It's... gasp! another Christian article. Skip it if you don't want to read another Christian article. Here, I'll put in this 'more' tag so that you won't have to read any of the substance if you don't want to.
I found myself in the unfortunate position of having forgotten my wallet (with my license) at home yesterday, and had to drive without a license. That's fine, I would just go the speed limit and not get pulled over. The road I drive home on is really weird. It goes, quite sharply, from a 40 MPH zone to a 25 MPH zone. I guess the giant truck behind me didn't see the signs, which are not well placed IMO, but he got really, really mad and tailgated me as I went 25 in the 25. When I turned...
Container is a board game. It is an economic simulation for 3-5 players, and works this way: You, as a player, are responsible for 3 different vertically-integrated companies - one is a factory, one is a wholesaler, and one is a shipping/retail company. There are five different types of containers. You produce containers in your factory, buy them as a wholesaler, and then ship them to an island where they are auctioned off to the highest bidder (or you can keep them yourself by matching...
So, yeah. Here we are again, with actual proof that poor people live better than middle-income people. There was no category for stupidity, by the way, or it would have gone there. Someone I know, who make less than me, has 4 kids under the age of 5, and a wife who always complains that they are running out of food at the end of the month even though they're on food stamps, WIC, and any other government program... has now purchased (on credit of course) $6,000 worth of brand new furnit...
What the hell. Backstory: My younger son was cast as the part of baby Jesus in the live nativity (that does say 'live', right?) That's great, I said, and we invited several people, some of whom would never set foot in a church if it wasn't to see my adorable son who everyone he's ever met has instantly fell in love with. My wife brings Baby to the dress rehearsal, missing older son's bedtime and dinner as a family in order to arrive relatively on time. (there is no more on time for us...
Gen. 2:18 - "It is not good for man to be alone" 1 Cor 7:1 - "It is good for a man not to touch a woman" So, a bit back, I was challenged by Little-whip to find a scripture to back the principle I was talking about, that God intended people to be married and enjoy sex within the marriage. And, I found this little tidbit here that pretty much derailed my research, leaving me with only the Song of Solomon as backup for my claim, which really isn't enough but it's what I had. Of course, ...
Before the 2007 baseball season, Jordan's Furniture did two things - one, they ran a promotion on certain items, saying that if the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, any of the (certain) furniture bought would be free. Second, they took out a little insurance policy to cover it in case of a win. I don't know the odds here, but someone must have to underwrite it. Also, why couldn't the guys just go off to Vegas and put enough money down on that bet to cover it? It's the same principle...
In a world where giving your word is synonymous with breaking your word, I'm getting very sick of politics. I just started voting, for goodness sake. I hear campaign promises and then nothing gets done. Democrats want to fix the world by giving all the money to people who already have enough, in order to buy votes. Republicans seem to have some sort of investment in this war, and want to see a return on it when in reality there may be no return. There may no longer be any reason for us t...
Our children can get some tax-payer birth control and start screwing right away. No more waiting until you're married, no more waiting until you're even in a long-term relationship (well, a month is long term, right?), no more waiting at all. Kids need to be sexualized right here, right now, get 'em going. I mean, it's not like we can stop them, so let's start assisting them with it. If there's no one to catch you, you can't get caught, right? So where's the deterent? Then, when t...
Somebody think of the children. Somebody besides the Children's Ministry Director, because she doesn't know what she's doing. I'm not against having a director without kids, but I am against a director without kids telling people with kids that their security concerns are ridiculous. I am against a director who makes rules for the older kids without specifying that it does not apply to the nursery and toddlers, such as no sippy cups allowed, no bringing in outside toys, etc. I am agains...
There's an attitude, and I can't think of anyone who is not guilty of having this at some point. It's the same thing as with America, that sense of entitlement that we have, just for being in America, everything should be given to us. A lot of people look at God the same way, thinking, "Because I'm a Christian, my life should be easy." Heck, after serving faithfully for years, some Christians say to themselves, "Ok, God, now it's my turn. Serve me." Here's the problem with that. ...
So, the admin here was looking at a day planner advertisement, for a day planner that the is ordered for the boss every year. It has some literature with it that explains the benefits of a day planner over a PDA. No batteries, always available, can use your own notations, etc. One of them was, "No learning curve!" I think there really is a huge learning curve to day planners that isn't really there with PDAs. One, you have to learn how symbols can be used to mean words. While everyo...
So, the admin here was looking at a day planner advertisement, for a day planner that the is ordered for the boss every year. It has some literature with it that explains the benefits of a day planner over a PDA. No batteries, always available, can use your own notations, etc. One of them was, "No learning curve!" I think there really is a huge learning curve to day planners that isn't really there with PDAs. One, you have to learn how symbols can be used to mean words. While everyo...
I may not be the most militaristic person in the galaxy, but I do know that I'm not the only person in the galaxy. The production capabilities of Earth were slim - Earth didn't want to be pumping out ships, or even buildings. No, Earth was the bastion of free thought in the Terran Alliance - the place to be for the free exchange of ideas, even militaristic ones. As such, most of the ideas had to do with researching and trade - research, for obvious reasons, and trade to pay for it all....
There are different levels of psychosis. Say you go to work and nobody notices your haircut. Now, if you're a bit paranoid, you might think multiple things. You might think, "Hey, nobody noticed, nobody likes me." or "Nobody noticed, my hair must be awful and they don't want to draw attention to it." But it takes a truly paranoid person to think, "Hey, nobody noticed my haircut - they must be conspiring to kill me." If you're also additionally crazy, you may think, "Hey, nobody notice...