There are different levels of psychosis. Say you go to work and nobody notices your haircut. Now, if you're a bit paranoid, you might think multiple things. You might think, "Hey, nobody noticed, nobody likes me." or "Nobody noticed, my hair must be awful and they don't want to draw attention to it." But it takes a truly paranoid person to think, "Hey, nobody noticed my haircut - they must be conspiring to kill me." If you're also additionally crazy, you may think, "Hey, nobody notice...
I can't believe I'm writing my 100th article. Think of all the time I wasted, trying to think of something to type in... wondering what the reaction would be... responding to comments, building relationships, having a good time... I guess it really isn't wasted time, after all. I would miss you guys if I ever decide to get help from my JoeUser addiction. Until then, let's chat. Let's have great discussions about stuff, and misunderstand each other on purpose, and argue back and for...
Throughout my life, everything has come pretty easy to me. I could play sports as a kid, pretty decently in fact. School was a cinch, and nobody really tried to get me to apply myself. So I have never truly learned to put effort into anything. Now I am faced with a career. I have a career ahead of me, but I will have to put effort into it in order to sustain it. I also have children at home, and I have to put the effort there, too, to father them properly and spend time with them. An...
I know you know that you can't park there. If you could park there, you would have just turned off the car and went inside. But no. You left your car in an illegal parking spot, with extra blinking lights just in case a policeman wants to ticket you. Hey, if you have those blinky lights on, how can he bother you? This haircut is an emergency! I am really tired of people thinking that turning their hazard lights on gives them the right to BE a hazard. News flash - you still can't park...
I think there's something missing in the curriculum of many schools these days. Sure, they teach people about certain fields. But what seems to be lacking is communication of that field to others who need to know. What I'm saying is that, in my curriculum as an accountant, I learned how to speak in the accounting language. But there was no course that taught how to relate that back to people in other fields, specifically managers. Now, in a college with accounting and business managmen...