Somebody think of the children. Somebody besides the Children's Ministry Director, because she doesn't know what she's doing.
I'm not against having a director without kids, but I am against a director without kids telling people with kids that their security concerns are ridiculous. I am against a director who makes rules for the older kids without specifying that it does not apply to the nursery and toddlers, such as no sippy cups allowed, no bringing in outside toys, etc. I am against a director who makes rules for the security of our kids, and then does not enforce them.
Every kid who comes in has a numbered tag. Every children's worker has a lanyard around their neck. The parents get a numbered tag to identify who is allowed to pick up the kids.
So everyone who should be down in the children's area has a tag or a lanyard. It is easy to identify someone who shouldn't be there.
So why don't we have anyone making sure people who do not belong are not there?
It's a great system but unless it is enforced, it is worthless. It was at one point suggested that we do not allow any parents by the classrooms (regulars) and just have ushers bring the kids to the individual classrooms. I thought that was a great idea, myself, if we're serious about security (I'm not, I think the whole thing is ridiculous, but others said we need security - those same people who won't inforce it), yet those who are 'serious about security' said it was ridiculous. I would volunteer to stand down there and check tags, if they wanted someone for that. I might even consider volunteering to be a children's ministry usher!
Also, it seems like they're trying to drive AWAY volunteers. As it stands, volunteers have to be to church 40 minutes before service starts. This is in order to have a 1 minute prayer with the other leaders. Then, go to the classrooms and wait around for 20 minutes until normal people start arriving. The entire thing is ridiculous. If you're late, they CALL YOU and WARN YOU about it. If you're late twice, the director calls you. And if you're late three times, you should "Prayerfully reconsider whether this is the right ministry for you."
Also, all these regulations came into effect the day after they asked for summer volunteers. I thought I'd only have to be there 30 minutes early. Nope, 40 minutes, and if I'm not there on time, I'll get a phone call. Well, hmm, I can 'prayerfully reconsider whether this is the right ministry' right now. Now who's going to take care of the babies? I try to do the children's ministry a favor, so they can have a summer off from serving, and they mess with me. See if I volunteer again. Except as a security guard. Because that would be fun.