I found myself in the unfortunate position of having forgotten my wallet (with my license) at home yesterday, and had to drive without a license. That's fine, I would just go the speed limit and not get pulled over. The road I drive home on is really weird. It goes, quite sharply, from a 40 MPH zone to a 25 MPH zone. I guess the giant truck behind me didn't see the signs, which are not well placed IMO, but he got really, really mad and tailgated me as I went 25 in the 25. When I turned...
Hey, it's my birthday today, so I thought I'd start a thread for people to say "Happy Birthday" to me on, so I don't hijack TW's thread. Feel free to not say so either, because this is a lot more boring than the normal Happy Birthday threads, and it was started by the birthdayee. Well, thanks for stopping by!
I've now been in my job for a full year, as of Tuesday. That's a year of experience I can claim on my resume. That's a year towards gaining seniority, a year closer to the experience requirements for accounting certifications, and a year closer to becoming a partner. I got out of college about a year and a half ago, and I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know how to get a job. So I signed up with a temp agency, and went from there. I got an assignment working in Excel, basically...
Here's one for my professionalism file. As a forensic accountant, I work on litigation files. I'm not allowed to even discuss them with my wife, never mind posting stuff about them online. Yesterday, I found out a report I was responsible for regarding a litigation case was sent to the wrong address. Luckily, it was not sent to opposing council or anything. It went to a completely unrelated party. I had given it to the admin to bind it and send out, and she had bound it, and given...