There's an attitude, and I can't think of anyone who is not guilty of having this at some point.
It's the same thing as with America, that sense of entitlement that we have, just for being in America, everything should be given to us.
A lot of people look at God the same way, thinking, "Because I'm a Christian, my life should be easy."
Heck, after serving faithfully for years, some Christians say to themselves, "Ok, God, now it's my turn. Serve me."
Here's the problem with that. This attitude shows that, one, you expect something from God, and two, that you have done something in order to DESERVE whatever it is you're expecting. A lot of times this comes up when something bad happens. Your significant other dies, and you get mad at God - as if God owes you a significant other, or anything at all. Well, He doesn't. There is nothing you can do for God that will make it so you DESERVE something from God. In fact, it's quite the other way around - God gave you something you don't deserve at all, and nothing you do can even come close to evening the score, let alone putting it in your favor.
The key is to stop having that attitude of "God, you owe me." and always have the attitude of, "I'll serve you until you say stop."
See, even though we don't deserve anything from God, he continues to pile on His mercy and blessings. We don't deserve them, but he's going to give them to you anyway. It's not right to be mad at God when He did so much for you. His grace will always outweigh your actions. That's why no amount of good works will ever get you into heaven. Because you can't do enough good to get in.