Throughout my life, everything has come pretty easy to me. I could play sports as a kid, pretty decently in fact. School was a cinch, and nobody really tried to get me to apply myself. So I have never truly learned to put effort into anything.
Now I am faced with a career. I have a career ahead of me, but I will have to put effort into it in order to sustain it. I also have children at home, and I have to put the effort there, too, to father them properly and spend time with them. And, I have to put effort into balancing my time between the two, because for the first time in my life, my job is not structured such that I have certain hours to be here and certain hours to not be here. Never mind the effort it will take me to model my life after Christ, which is also on my to-do list (unchecked off of course)
I feel like it's about time to start putting effort into things - and I find that it's difficult to do. I like lazy. I do well with lazy, because it's fun and it's the way it's always been, so why bother putting effort into things just to be unhappy?
I think I would be happier if I put effort into things, if I really... cared about things. But I find it's lacking - those muscles have never been worked out.
I don't know what's more disconcerting... the thought that I might be the only one like this, or the thought that it might be a generational problem that has bigger ramifications for life than any of us could possibly foresee....
I think the latter is true, and more disconcerting. So, it's time to nip it in the bud.
I just wish I knew where to start...