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Published on August 5, 2007 By Jythier In Politics
A pregnant woman.

What characteristics define this noble creature? Hormonal, of course, and as it should be. Lacking in brain power, quite forgiveable, as the blood that normally visits there is now taken by a new life, which is such a beautiful thing that one can only smile when she forgets her phone number, where she left the car keys, and sometimes, her own name. Women who would never have this kind of problem under any other condition, any other stress...

In other words, a pregnant woman is the LAST person who should be making ANY sort of life changing decision, even in her OWN life.

Why, then, do we leave this decision up to her? It may be her body, but she is in an altered state during this time.

So why, how can we even think that this person should have a decision that could impact the world, and her own life, with such magnitude? It doesn't make any sense!

Alas, there is nobody that can choose for her, including herself. The woman, even before she is pregnant, is not properly equipped to choose. During the pregnancy, as discussed, is not fit to choose. After the pregnancy is too late. It is nobody else's right to make the decision for her. I can think of only one other soul who has any right to choose in this instance - and they are not born yet, not nearly old enough to choose.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 06, 2007

Has anyone noticed that MM is sitting on the sidelines measuring my buddy for his coffin?

Pass the Popcorm Elie.

on Aug 06, 2007
"Your premise is flawed, yes, and you've admitted that. But there's still the pesky little matter of you actually buying into this and believing that pregnant women are hormonal idiots, incapable of the most simple tasks and especially incapable of any sort of decision-making."

If you want to think that's what I said, go ahead. But it's not. And if you want to make it out to be all this you go right ahead.

All I said was that women should not be making decisions about aborting their children while they are pregnant, or before they are pregnant. That's it. That's the end of it. If you want to make me out as if I was talking about every little decision, then that's your problem. Makes me sad that you would think I thought like that. But, there you go. But I know what women are capable of. And I respect it. I just don't want them messing up their lives because they made a decision while they weren't 100% that they cannot undo.
on Aug 06, 2007
Makes me sad that you would think I thought like that.

Please, please re-read what you posted.

I just don't want them messing up their lives because they made a decision while they weren't 100% that they cannot undo.

Yes, good thing we have men around to keep us from making bad decisions in our fragile conditions.

I am just really surprised to see this from you. Like I said, read it again. It is NUTS.
on Aug 06, 2007
Has anyone noticed that MM is sitting on the sidelines measuring my buddy for his coffin?

Pass the Popcorm Elie.

i'll take some as long as it isn't theater popcorn
on Aug 06, 2007
hahahaha poor Jythier. We'll all teasing him in good fun right guys....right?   

So does chocolate, I'm told! A few well sent Dove bars and these ladies might just forget it ever!

uh-oh Gid...this is almost just as bad...trying to buy us off now? You think a few Dove bars is going to erase the memory regarding ....lack of brain power? Huh? I think it's going to take a bit more than Dove bars, however good they are. I'm thinking like a full 4 course dinner.

and throw in a movie for good measure....we're talking chick flick.

on Aug 06, 2007
and throw in a movie for good measure....we're talking chick flick.

go see bratz
on Aug 06, 2007
ok's like this..

if you had said that tramatic changes in one's life could bring about a bad decision as a result of emotions running amok I would have agreed with you. Things like divorce, death, unplanned pregnancy etc can bring about a flux of emotions crowding out sensible logic in making a good decision.

How many times have you heard that when a spouse dies, no big changes should be done for about a while? Don't invest, don't buy, don't sell, don't remarry etc. until you've given some time to the big change that has occurred in your life? We make many mistakes when we let our emotions take control especially during these trying times. We can't always trust our emotions during such times. This is a time to think, ask advice especially from those closest to us that we trust and know us best.

So while I understand (somewhat) what you're trying to say, I think the loss of brain power thing was like...way over the top.

on Aug 06, 2007
I think it's going to take a bit more than Dove bars, however good they are. I'm thinking like a full 4 course dinner.

Well, it's up to y'all to negotiate. I was just trying to point him in the right direction.
on Aug 06, 2007
All I said was that women should not be making decisions about aborting their children while they are pregnant, or before they are pregnant.

you said wayyyyyyyyyyyy more. but even if you'd said nothing more or less, you still would be saying women are incapable of making such a decision no matter the circumstance--leaving it to whom? the prospective father?

on Aug 07, 2007
Well, it's up to y'all to negotiate. I was just trying to point him in the right direction.

ya, I think he owes his wife....dinner and a movie.

you still would be saying women are incapable of making such a decision no matter the circumstance--leaving it to whom? the prospective father?

good point Kingbee. Although I'm all for signing up for no one to make this decison.

I know...let's ask the unborn child. Let him/her decide. Of course that may take 8-10 years or more for them to understand language and logic.

on Aug 07, 2007
I think it's going to take a bit more than Dove bars, however good they are. I'm thinking like a full 4 course dinner.

and throw in a movie for good measure....we're talking chick flick.

Whatever it is, it is not going to be cheap or easy!
on Aug 07, 2007

"leaving it to whom? the prospective father?"

From the post I thought we were talking about: "Alas, there is nobody that can choose for her, including herself."

I said NOBODY is qualified. Leaving it up to the father... what do you think I am, a chauvinist?

And who said anything about having MEN around to help you? I certainly didn't.

"Oh, what, so now you're abandoning them?" No!

But, LW, this had some merit.

"She shouldn't make that decision because it's WRONG. Period. No further justification required.

~reaches through screen and smacks him a good one upside da head."

I included the smack upside da head as having merit.

"Obviously, you DON'T know what women are capable of, even after being told."

What do you think I think a woman can't do? Astronauts, mail-women, accountants, fire fighters, writers, dancers, athletes, everything. Go do it, you can. You can even go serve in Iraq. Never mind the stuff women can do that men can't. TW had a pretty good list of stuff she did. Including buying a car - that's entering into a CONTRACT. A woman! Wow. All kinds of stuff. *eye roll*

I know what I wrote, and it did NOT put men on a pedestal over women. It simply discussed the condition of being pregnant, ie, pregnancy brain, which I thought was something worse than it seems to be, and how that was not the time you'd want her to be making a decision regarding her baby's life. I certainly didn't say that a MAN should make the decision, in fact I said nobody should.

As for KFC, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. See, my wife HAD pregnancy brain. Which is how I got the whole idea in the first place.
on Aug 07, 2007
I said nobody should

you're not presenting an argument but rather your opinion stated as a command.

no matter how convinced you may be yours is perfectly right and righteous, please remember opinions are like assholes. everyone has his or her own.

you may also wanna check out the currently circulating litany of liberal character flaws. who knows? may turn out you resemble (one or more of) those remarks.
on Aug 07, 2007
Just for being a guy like Jythier I fear even replying here at all. Were you watching Deathwish when you wrote this while seeing yourself as the guys that Charles Bronson was killing? Man, this makes my uneducated replies look like a genius wrote them. You got big cojones my friend.

I love women, I couldn't live without them. As mad as any of them might make me, I would never write an article like this one. It alone proves the contrary, you must have been at a lose of blood in your brain when you wrote this. Be thankful this is the internet and not a face to face debate or you would be dead by now.
on Aug 07, 2007
A pregnant woman.

What characteristics define this noble creature? Hormonal, of course, and as it should be.

Jythier, all I can say is your article was terrific up to here.

So what you made a mistake and put both feet in your mouth giving you no legs to stand on when you wrote, "lacking in brain power.."?

The one who never made a mistake never made a discovery.

Keep counting your blessings and thank God for them. Your heart was in the right place. Have an awesome day, everybody.
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