Blogging about forensic accounting, my life, and anything else I feel warrants it. Disclaimer: Anything found on this site is not intended to be professional advice. If you are in need of professional advice, please contact a professional to give it.
Published on August 5, 2007 By Jythier In Politics
A pregnant woman.

What characteristics define this noble creature? Hormonal, of course, and as it should be. Lacking in brain power, quite forgiveable, as the blood that normally visits there is now taken by a new life, which is such a beautiful thing that one can only smile when she forgets her phone number, where she left the car keys, and sometimes, her own name. Women who would never have this kind of problem under any other condition, any other stress...

In other words, a pregnant woman is the LAST person who should be making ANY sort of life changing decision, even in her OWN life.

Why, then, do we leave this decision up to her? It may be her body, but she is in an altered state during this time.

So why, how can we even think that this person should have a decision that could impact the world, and her own life, with such magnitude? It doesn't make any sense!

Alas, there is nobody that can choose for her, including herself. The woman, even before she is pregnant, is not properly equipped to choose. During the pregnancy, as discussed, is not fit to choose. After the pregnancy is too late. It is nobody else's right to make the decision for her. I can think of only one other soul who has any right to choose in this instance - and they are not born yet, not nearly old enough to choose.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 07, 2007
"Jythier, all I can say is your article was terrific up to here."
"So what you made a mistake and put both feet in your mouth giving you no legs to stand on when you wrote, "lacking in brain power.."?"

Well... my wife can barely remember anything that happened during her pregnancy, but she could certainly be the exception. Or could be pulling wool over my eyes, but I doubt it. Things that it would have been to her benefit to remember were forgotten... If you were around her while she was going through this, you would think pregnant women were lacking in brain power, too. But I see everyone else seems to think I'm mistaken, so I'll take their word for it. I haven't been around EVERY pregnant woman, after all. And Tex seems to not have suffered from it at all.

"i have a cert. in accounting true it isn't a college degree. but i do have some knowledge of accounting."

Accounting is a whole lot of writing, danielost. Are you holding out on us?
on Aug 07, 2007
Things that it would have been to her benefit to remember were forgotten...

I fully understand this and would quite agree. For myself, I know I had pain, but I can't remember it. Then again, much like my own mother who delivered 10 babies, 7 at home in the late 30's and 40's, I never had stitches. Those I understand make a big difference in the pain quotient.
on Aug 07, 2007
If you were around her while she was going through this, you would think pregnant women were lacking in brain power, too.


Keep digging dude.

Yes, pregnancy is stressful. Yes, sometimes it is hard to focus. NO, pregnant women do not need to be protected from themselves.
on Aug 07, 2007
NO, pregnant women do not need to be protected from themselves.

but they do from stupid men
on Aug 07, 2007
I remember one thing about my wife when she was giving birth. She sunk her nails in my arm and said she would kill me, of course she was under that anesthesia so she had no clue what she was saying. She doesn't even remember.

Keep digging dude.

Hah, the guy already pasted the Earths core and is heading straight for China.
on Aug 07, 2007
Um, Charles, if she had an epi or IV narcotics, she would not be in pain and digging her nails into you.

I think maybe YOU don't remember the delivery as well as you think you do. Perhaps the pregnancy "lack of brain power" is contagious to men as well. Scary stuff.
on Aug 08, 2007
Um, Charles, if she had an epi or IV narcotics, she would not be in pain and digging her nails into you.

Actually she did have the epi, but was still feeling it. Not sure why though, I think I may have caught her when she had just had it injected in her. She did become more calm a little while later and after the birth slept for 24 hours straight. Trust me, apart from any medical thing they did to her I remember the birth of my first son very vividly. The most beautiful and weirdest thing in the word was to see my boy's head coming out and then eventually see him for the first time. But she did digg her nails in my arm and said she would kill me. Of course she doesn't remember that at all.

Perhaps the pregnancy "lack of brain power" is contagious to men as well. Scary stuff.

Who knows. I was seeing her partially naked after all and as LW suggested, we men only have enough blood to fill one head, right?
on Aug 09, 2007
I just got back to this thread, finally.

All I can say is I'm becoming a really big fan of Mrs. TW. Bravo,'re a strong, intelligent lady, and a credit to your race ...I mean GENDER! 'Damn uterus' indeed...I laughed out loud at that one. That and the one about 'I'd rip you a new asshole, but I have to go to Wal-mart.' Classic!

Your kids are lucky to have you. Thanks for being.
on Aug 09, 2007
Who knows. I was seeing her partially naked after all and as LW suggested, we men only have enough blood to fill one head, right?

Uh, Charles. I don't know about you, but honestly, I can't say arousal was one of my emotions when any of our kids were born.
on Aug 09, 2007
I can see it now... three years from now, I'm just dinking along, and somebody resurrects this thread... bah.
on Aug 09, 2007
I can see it now... three years from now, I'm just dinking along, and somebody resurrects this thread... bah.

Hey Buddy - want me to freshen up that Mai Tai PMS cocktail?
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