Blogging about forensic accounting, my life, and anything else I feel warrants it. Disclaimer: Anything found on this site is not intended to be professional advice. If you are in need of professional advice, please contact a professional to give it.
Published on August 5, 2007 By Jythier In Politics
A pregnant woman.

What characteristics define this noble creature? Hormonal, of course, and as it should be. Lacking in brain power, quite forgiveable, as the blood that normally visits there is now taken by a new life, which is such a beautiful thing that one can only smile when she forgets her phone number, where she left the car keys, and sometimes, her own name. Women who would never have this kind of problem under any other condition, any other stress...

In other words, a pregnant woman is the LAST person who should be making ANY sort of life changing decision, even in her OWN life.

Why, then, do we leave this decision up to her? It may be her body, but she is in an altered state during this time.

So why, how can we even think that this person should have a decision that could impact the world, and her own life, with such magnitude? It doesn't make any sense!

Alas, there is nobody that can choose for her, including herself. The woman, even before she is pregnant, is not properly equipped to choose. During the pregnancy, as discussed, is not fit to choose. After the pregnancy is too late. It is nobody else's right to make the decision for her. I can think of only one other soul who has any right to choose in this instance - and they are not born yet, not nearly old enough to choose.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 06, 2007
WWW Link

WWW Link

It seems that it's all caused by the hormones. But, then again, to suggest that hormones affect a woman, oh dear me.
on Aug 06, 2007
Good point, Gid. Argument defeated. I was confusing forgetfulness with cognitive ability, something any young man might do.
on Aug 06, 2007
What about men when all of their blood flows to their penis's? I really don't think men are capable of making a sound decision because of that biological flaw.
on Aug 06, 2007
You're right. I shouldn't choose whether or not I should kill my unborn child when I have an erection. Thanks Loca.
on Aug 06, 2007
The boner defense, your honor I had severe blood loss right before this act occurred, causing a complete loss of cognitive abilities.

Since I was incapable of making rational decisions at that time, I cannot be held responsible for this pregnancy.
on Aug 06, 2007
I tried to find a pregnancy defense case but I couldn't find one, and at that point I figured it was over... if there had been a legal precedent that a pregnant woman was held not responsible, though, I might've had something to go forward with.
on Aug 06, 2007

You're right. I shouldn't choose whether or not I should kill my unborn child when I have an erection. Thanks Loca.

LOL - I didn't mean just that decision. I mean all decisions.
on Aug 06, 2007
The boner defense, your honor I had severe blood loss right before this act occurred, causing a complete loss of cognitive abilities.

Since I was incapable of making rational decisions at that time, I cannot be held responsible for this pregnancy.

Cracking me up. I wonder if it's ever been tried?
on Aug 06, 2007
Thinking DOES require logic, J. You can't just spew (although, in your defense, that is not the common view these days, so I'll label you as misguided as opposed to out and out stupid.) Your blog site's name indicates you're an accountant. Do you also just carry a 2 when there's only a 1 to carry...just because that's how you feel at the moment? I bet you don't.

P.S. I do not have an erection right now...for the record.
on Aug 06, 2007
P.S. I do not have an erection right now...for the record.

on Aug 06, 2007
So what is impairing her cognitive ability, then?

on Aug 06, 2007
It's easy to believe in a position when you have the facts wrong to start, which is now the entire point of this article! My thinking was quite logical, given what I was working from.

Like the fact that a baby is not a living human until it is born. OF COURSE you can support abortion if that's a fact - but it's not. It's either a lie or an opinion. Either way, I feel it's better to err on the side of caution and NOT kill.

By the way, accountants don't do math. We have calculators and MS Excel to do math for us! But, if I analyze a file, and I talk to the insured, and they tell me something that they were mistaken about, I might analyze the file incorrectly. Absolutely. But if they give me the truth, it will get done right. The logic isn't the problem, the presumption is.

Which, of course, is what everyone seems to have had a problem with, and for good reason. Exactly as I intended. To show how the anti-life argument is based on a flawed presumption, as well, and therefore should be discarded much like this one. The only difference is, we don't have a bunch of unborn children typing in how they're alive, and how dare you presume they're not.

"Oh. My. Gawd. I can't believe you even wrote I'm not alive," they would say!
on Aug 06, 2007
By the way, accountants don't do math.

then your not a very good accountant.
on Aug 06, 2007
Accounting has very little math involved. Checking math, perhaps. But it's more about classification than actual math.

(for any who saw what was posted here to start with, I apologize as it was uncalled for and has been edited away as such)
on Aug 06, 2007
I was just joking about the 'exactly as I intended part'.

Anyway, prohibiting all decision making was never part of it. Just one decision should not be able to be made. I love how everyone blows it out of proportion from shouldn't make the decision to kill her kid to shouldn't make any decision.

And I wouldn't have liked your friend Randy Weaver, who I'm sure you were very close with, when you weren't menstruating that is.

The forgetfulness pregnancy causes is documented. It exists. I watched my wife go through it. I'm watching my coworker's wife go through it. I even provided links for it. So whether or not it made your father dull, slow, and forgetful, it does happen to pregnant women, mostly in the first and third trimester.

As for menstruation, if you're menstruating, you're probably not pregnant. Therefore, you are probably not deciding whether or not to have an abortion. So it's a moot point, isn't it, as that's the only decision that shouldn't be made?
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