Blogging about forensic accounting, my life, and anything else I feel warrants it. Disclaimer: Anything found on this site is not intended to be professional advice. If you are in need of professional advice, please contact a professional to give it.
Published on August 5, 2007 By Jythier In Politics
A pregnant woman.

What characteristics define this noble creature? Hormonal, of course, and as it should be. Lacking in brain power, quite forgiveable, as the blood that normally visits there is now taken by a new life, which is such a beautiful thing that one can only smile when she forgets her phone number, where she left the car keys, and sometimes, her own name. Women who would never have this kind of problem under any other condition, any other stress...

In other words, a pregnant woman is the LAST person who should be making ANY sort of life changing decision, even in her OWN life.

Why, then, do we leave this decision up to her? It may be her body, but she is in an altered state during this time.

So why, how can we even think that this person should have a decision that could impact the world, and her own life, with such magnitude? It doesn't make any sense!

Alas, there is nobody that can choose for her, including herself. The woman, even before she is pregnant, is not properly equipped to choose. During the pregnancy, as discussed, is not fit to choose. After the pregnancy is too late. It is nobody else's right to make the decision for her. I can think of only one other soul who has any right to choose in this instance - and they are not born yet, not nearly old enough to choose.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 06, 2007
If I have time today I'll rip you a new asshole.

I've got to to go to Wal-Mart first.

on Aug 06, 2007
Have a nice trip to the store!
on Aug 06, 2007
If I have time today I'll rip you a new asshole

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah. i sho do love me some tw!
on Aug 06, 2007
I've got to to go to Wal-Mart first.

Great. I'm headed to the break room to pop some popcorn!
on Aug 06, 2007
i sho do love me some tw!

HAHAHA me too!
on Aug 06, 2007
If I have time today I'll rip you a new asshole.

Oh boy. You're done, dude. Better hope for a long line at Mycomart.
on Aug 06, 2007
Judging by my Wal-Mart experience, she could be there for hours. Just getting from one side of the store to the other is a haul. Never mind waiting in the lines... but then again, it is a Monday. Most people are at work. So she could be back any minute...

I'm actually very curious about what she feels the need to say as, after all, I have already recinded the argument when I realized that I was confusing the forgetfulness with loss of cognitive abilities.

I really hope she doesn't want to rehash what everyone else already said, just in a more hateful way. I really hope she has something new to add to this conversation.
on Aug 06, 2007
If I have something to say, it will always be new and always add to the conversation. LOL.

During pregnancy a woman's blood volume increases, as does her heart rate. Yes, there is increased blood flow to the uterus, but not at the detriment of the brain.

Have you shown this to your wife?

It is one of the most ignorant, misogynistic pieces of crap I've read on JU. Even Xythe and Dr.Guy wouldn't post something so full of disdain, condescension, and disrespect to the female race.

Your premise is flawed, yes, and you've admitted that. But there's still the pesky little matter of you actually buying into this and believing that pregnant women are hormonal idiots, incapable of the most simple tasks and especially incapable of any sort of decision-making.

Is that really how you saw your wife when she was carrying your children?

Let me tell you something. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was raising 2 boys by myself. I kept the house clean, kept the budget, planned menus, did the shopping and cooking, took out the trash, got the kids to school, made sure the homework was done, scrubbed toilets, got the boys to Cub Scout meetings and outings, did crafts and Cub Scout tasks with the boys, camped out with them, put together all the baby gear and did all the preparation for our new arrival, and shopped for, got financing and insurance for, and bought a new vehicle.

All by my stupid, drooling, slack-jawed little pregnant self.

I'll be sure to let my husband know that it was a severe error in judgment for him to trust me to purchase a vehicle much less feed and care for the children. Imagine the damage I could have done. Aren't we lucky things turned out so well?

Maybe next pregnancy he can put me in a padded room so I don't hurt myself.

Ridiculous, Jythier. Ridiculous that you would even entertain this idea. AT ALL.

on Aug 06, 2007

All by my stupid, drooling, slack-jawed little pregnant self.

Oh Tex, will a single clever thought ever enter that pretty skull of yours? Those tasks would have been so much more competently done by a man! Your husband is probably just trying not to worry you with all the fixing he's had to do!

All sarcasm aside...

Jythier, I can't believe you've found someone willing to breed with you. The mind boggles.
on Aug 06, 2007
BTW, females aren't a race, we're a gender. D'oh! Must be left-overs from pregnancy. Stupid uterus, always making me do stupid things.
on Aug 06, 2007
Accounting has very little math involved. Checking math, perhaps. But it's more about classification than actual math.

i have a cert. in accounting true it isn't a college degree. but i do have some knowledge of accounting.
on Aug 06, 2007
Hey brother,

Lacking in brain power? Ewwwwwww I knew you were dead in the water when I read that.

trying to figure a way to help get you out of the hole, but it's a really really deep hole you've gotten yourself into, and I'm not strong enough to help get you out.

on Aug 06, 2007
Has anyone noticed that MM is sitting on the sidelines measuring my buddy for his coffin? Jythier you really need to quickly write at least a dozen 'please ladies I was on drugs' articles or that was not me writing it was an Illegal alien that broke into my home and is trying to ruin my blog life. or Try the temporary insanity plea or you could just beg, begging works real well with the ladies here.
on Aug 06, 2007
begging works real well with the ladies here.

So does chocolate, I'm told! A few well sent Dove bars and these ladies might just forget it ever!
on Aug 06, 2007
trying to figure a way to help get you out of the hole, but it's a really really deep hole you've gotten yourself into, and I'm not strong enough to help get you out.

Even your SON doesn't dig holes THIS deep, KFC! LOL!
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