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Published on July 8, 2007 By Jythier In Religion
It's already starting.

Our freedoms are beginning to be infringed upon by legislation, and it's only going to get worse. When the nation began, there was no need for so many laws. The people had self-judgement, based upon the scriptural principles that were held dear by the founding fathers. While they may not have believed that Jesus saves, they did believe that the Bible held the principles for governing a nation. The Constitution of this nation is only as morally strong as those who interpret it, as we have seen in recent years.

At this point, the people are split into two major camps - those with themselves as the moral guide, and those with objective moral guides, such as scriptures.

Atheism and agnosticism scares me. They are like kites, floating in the wind, with scriptural principles as the kite-flyer. While the religious and sensible enjoy the flight, these others cry, "Who are you to hold me back? If I didn't have this string attached to me I could fly higher!" In the name of freedom they fight against this tether - and when their iniquity is complete, when they finally take their scissors and sever this cord, they will find themselves as a kite would - on the ground. Not realizing until too late that the only way they had the ability, the freedom to fly in the first place was to have that connection.

They will crash to the ground, because as the people become more unhindered, less modest, things will start to get bad. Riots, mobs marching the streets, unhindered by law enforcement that has too many laws to enforce anymore. And the only way to fix it, to restore any order, is more laws. With each law passed, more of our freedoms that we hold so dear will be stripped away in the name of order. All because someone decided that there is no absolute truth, that character wasn't important anymore, and that freedom meant cutting the tether.

(Many thanks to my pastor - most of this came from him, if not all. Most of my religious posts are drawn from him - he's my pastor. But I feel compelled to share, so that we can discuss. )

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 08, 2007

Good points Jythier.


I have a basic distrust for anyone who teaches that there is nothing bigger than, nor anyone more important than, one's self.

on Jul 09, 2007
Thanks, ParaTed. That's a healthy distrust. After all, if nothing is bigger or more important than oneself, one can justify any behavior in the name of self.
on Jul 09, 2007
Hi Jytheir,

Good article.

Man's love of himself over love of God epitomized in ideologies such as atheism, agnosticism, secular humanism, consumerism, materialism, hedonism, libertinism, modernism, radical feminism, homosexualism eventally lead to personal, governmental and societal chaos. Just look at the history books.
on Jul 09, 2007
Thanks Lula, nice to have you agreeing with me.
on Jul 09, 2007
Many thanks to my pastor - most of this came from him, if not all. Most of my religious posts are drawn from him - he's my pastor. But I feel compelled to share, so that we can discuss. )

I like your Pastor....  

My Pastor's been preaching on Revelation....guess what I'm blogging about?   

Here in our neck of the woods we had a triple murder. A young man blew three people away in a store for no other reason than they were mean to him he said. He later (while police were on a manhunt) took a ride from an elderly couple and did nothing to them. When asked why...he replied that the couple were nice to him.

It's all about me society coming to fruition and it's going to get rougher. We've only begun to reap what's been sown the last 30 years. This man is 31.

on Jul 09, 2007
Well, at least one under 30 guy is going to turn out all right, I think. Me!

My pastor seems to think the end is near, but also thinks that we still have a chance for revival. I hope he's right.
on Jul 09, 2007
My pastor seems to think the end is near,

Truth is every generation since Jesus' Incarnation has thought the end was near.

Jesus told us what to and pray for we don't know the hour or the day.

We must be ready as best we are able to meet our Maker which will come at our death or on the Last Day.
on Jul 09, 2007
My pastor seems to think the end is near, but also thinks that we still have a chance for revival. I hope he's right.

I agree. Tho not sure about the revival. I wonder if Billy Graham isn't the last big evangelist for the whole world. Nobody has been like him. He was able to go into communist countries that no one ever was able to do before. Time will tell.

It's been my thought that the end will come in my lifetime. I found a few things interesting of late. One is Al Gore doing his thing. Somebody sent me Gore on U-Tube in a holographic mode. Then I picked up Sunday's paper and a big article was given to this same topic.

It was really really like the Left Behind books coming true. Everybody getting the message at once in their own language. Gore was reaching the whole world via Washington speaking so that every language worldwide could understand simultaneously. Weird. Reminds me of Revelation where the world will wonder and worship the "image" of the beast. Also the whole world will watch the two dead witnesses for 3 days. How could this have been done even 20 yrs ago?

I agree with your pastor.

Well, at least one under 30 guy is going to turn out all right, I think. Me!

Thank your parents!!! They did something right!!

on Jul 14, 2007
When this nation began there was no mail, no masses of people and scare resources, no A-bombs, no highways, no automobiles, people knew how to raise and cook their own food, produce their own energy: there were no standing armies, save he militia. Our Founders were literate men who studied a variety of scripture. Thomas Jefferson, for example, studied Hindu texts. Ben Franklin supported public education, libraries, and (I suspect) would not have understood the need to burn a book.

Where in our constition are these scriptual principles that can govern a nation? A scriptually based governance is a theocracy, much like the Muslim world values.

Tyranny is indeed coming to America. Its name is fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, Jewish.

Be well.
on Jul 14, 2007
Tyranny is indeed coming to America. Its name is fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, Jewish.

But is that not what they guarded against with the constitution? That so many sects push for something that is not yet to be, indicates that so far, it is working.
on Jul 14, 2007
Tyranny is indeed coming to America. Its name is fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, Jewish.

I don't see how you can come to this conclusion Sodaiho. First of all the Christians and the Jews are on the way DOWN. They are losing more and more power and rights daily. So that can't be true. But where I'd agree with you is Islam. They are breeding and spreading all over the world at an alarming rate. That's where I'd put my money on. Watch Europe and do a bit of research and you'll see that the Muslims will soon out populate the Europeans in the next few years.

Their hatred for anyone outside of their own religion will be something we are going to have to deal with in a real big way soon.

on Jul 15, 2007
I deal with fundies all the time, entirely Christian and Jewish. I have yet to have to deal with a Muslim. You yourself have said your religion is superior, that you believe our government should be run on Christian principles. f it were up to you, my children and grandchildren would be saying the Lord's prayer in school, attending Christmas pagents in school, and your particular beliefs would be the rule of law. This is a theocratic belief, whether you acknowledge it to be so or not, and it is the same as the Islamic fundamentalist believe. When a non-Christian is offered an opprtunity to lead a prayer in the House or senate, it isn't the non-fundies who get all in a tither. It is the fundie Christins who squak like chiken little, oy, the sky is falling. Fundamentalism and absolutism are the marks of tyranny, and in my mind that;s evil.

Be well.
on Jul 15, 2007
When a non-Christian is offered an opportunity to lead a prayer in the House or senate, it isn't the non-fundies who get all in a tither. It is the fundie Christians who squawk like chicken little, oy, the sky is falling. Fundamentalism and absolutism are the marks of tyranny, and in my mind that's evil.

Well spoken, friend. With palms together and all that. Namaste.
on Jul 15, 2007
The sky is very high. It takes a long time to fall. You don't believe how great this nation was when people prayed in school, people allowed Christmas pagents, and we didn't have to have so many laws because people had self control, and took responsibility for themselves. Those days are over. Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint. And we've lost the vision that kept this nation from falling apart. It's not going to finish falling apart today, maybe not even within our lifetimes, but the course is set.
on Jul 15, 2007
I think you're being brainwashed dude.

Christians don't "hold the kite strings" of all people. How do you think rules and "morals" came about? Cooperation, society, social norms, all that far predates Christianity.

Humans have, from early times, learned and put into practice, behavioral expectations that were advantageous to them as individuals and as a group.
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