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Published on July 8, 2007 By Jythier In Religion
It's already starting.

Our freedoms are beginning to be infringed upon by legislation, and it's only going to get worse. When the nation began, there was no need for so many laws. The people had self-judgement, based upon the scriptural principles that were held dear by the founding fathers. While they may not have believed that Jesus saves, they did believe that the Bible held the principles for governing a nation. The Constitution of this nation is only as morally strong as those who interpret it, as we have seen in recent years.

At this point, the people are split into two major camps - those with themselves as the moral guide, and those with objective moral guides, such as scriptures.

Atheism and agnosticism scares me. They are like kites, floating in the wind, with scriptural principles as the kite-flyer. While the religious and sensible enjoy the flight, these others cry, "Who are you to hold me back? If I didn't have this string attached to me I could fly higher!" In the name of freedom they fight against this tether - and when their iniquity is complete, when they finally take their scissors and sever this cord, they will find themselves as a kite would - on the ground. Not realizing until too late that the only way they had the ability, the freedom to fly in the first place was to have that connection.

They will crash to the ground, because as the people become more unhindered, less modest, things will start to get bad. Riots, mobs marching the streets, unhindered by law enforcement that has too many laws to enforce anymore. And the only way to fix it, to restore any order, is more laws. With each law passed, more of our freedoms that we hold so dear will be stripped away in the name of order. All because someone decided that there is no absolute truth, that character wasn't important anymore, and that freedom meant cutting the tether.

(Many thanks to my pastor - most of this came from him, if not all. Most of my religious posts are drawn from him - he's my pastor. But I feel compelled to share, so that we can discuss. )

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 15, 2007
This is a theocratic belief, whether you acknowledge it to be so or not, and it is the same as the Islamic fundamentalist believe.

Well not really. In the Islam religion you have no choice. To come to Christianity means certain death if found out. We're seeing that all over the place right now. That's not so with Christianity. While Islam is propagated by a sword, Christianity is propagated by love. I'd say that's a big difference. There's no "off with your head" if you don't take Jesus as your Savior.

When a non-Christian is offered an opprtunity to lead a prayer in the House or senate, it isn't the non-fundies who get all in a tither.

Anyone that truly has Christ as their Savior are appalled that a Hindu led a prayer in the US Senate. Some may shrug their shoulders and say "what are you going to do" while others are enraged but they all believe it should not happen in a Christian country. We all agree but just have diff reactions.

In reality tho, we know that we shouldn't expect anything else. We were told this would happen and are supposed to remember we are citizen in another land that is not here. We are Kingdom Citizens so why get all in a tither as you say. So in some respects you're right, but in another we still want it to stay a Christian Nation as we started for our kids and grandkids. But all in all we are going to lose the battle because that's just the way it's going to happen. It's just shocking to see it in our lifetime.

on Jul 15, 2007
Christians don't hold the kite strings. Christian principles do. They were the only thing holding this nation together.

As we move away from these principles, behavior is getting more disorderly. Eventually, to restore that order, we will no longer have the freedom to speak out against sin. The press is already getting less and less free. You can't say whatever you want on television or radio because people said things that they should not have said in the first place, so now we have censors. Because of those censors, we now have paid TV and radio where the censors cannot touch, in the name of freedom of speech, but actually for the freedom of obscenity. Their ideas weren't shut down, they just wanted to swear more.

They call us Christians intolerant, as they ride our tolerance all the way to the death of America. If more Christians were intolerant, you wouldn't see garbage on TV. It would be morally based programming. But we're tolerant, so we watch your shows, we listen to your radio, and we slowly become less like Christ. Then you wonder why Christians start blowing up abortion clinics. They took the value, but instead of being Christ-like in that value, they are world-like. So they do something Christ would have never done, even though it was against something Christ did not approve. It's not right, but it's getting harder and harder to be like Christ when we can't drive down the street without having the world's view with relative truth, and taking what you want when you want it because hey, you only live for a while, so you might as well enjoy it, shoved down our throats.
on Jul 15, 2007
Reply #14
The sky is very high. It takes a long time to fall. You don't believe how great this nation was when people prayed in school, people allowed Christmas pagents, and we didn't have to have so many laws because people had self control, and took responsibility for themselves. Those days are over. Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint. And we've lost the vision that kept this nation from falling apart. It's not going to finish falling apart today, maybe not even within our lifetimes, but the course is set.

I think you're being brainwashed dude.

Actually, Texas, Jythier knows of what he is speaking. Just look at the stats taken in the 2000 census. Ever since 1960, everywhere in the country there has been a tremendous increase of abortions, divorce, immorality and filthy propaganda reaching Americans through movies, music, TV, videos, and literature. Money, material possessions, fame and power have become 'gods' worshipped by millions of Americans. Success is measured by what a person has..and it matters little how he gets what he has.

In 1962, the US Supreme Court prohibited the saying of the simple non-denominational prayer in public schools. It was "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country."

In 1963, the Supreme Court banned Bible teaching in schools. And in 1980, the SC ordered public schools to remove the Ten COmmandments from student view.

Since 1960-2000--- SAT combined math and verbal scores have dropped consistently 10 % on tests that have been made easier. Source: College entrnace Exam Board

Since 1960-2000---Teen Suicide (15-19 year olds) is up 450%. Source national center for Health Statistics.

Since 1960-2000---Child abuse is up 2,300%. Source: US DEPT. of H & HS and Child Maltreatment.

Since 1960-2000---Illegal drugs (% of Youth who have used them)is up 6,000%. Source: National Institute on Drug Use.

Since 1960-2000---Births to unmarried girls (15-19 yr. olds)is up 500%. Source: US DEPT. of Commerce;Bureau of Census.

Criminal arrests (robberies and assault) of teens (14-17 yr.olds) is up 150%. Source: US DEPT. of Census; Historical Statistics of US.

The most graphic means of highlighting the alarming trend is to contrast them with the top offenses of students in the 1950's:

They are in order Talking, chewing gum, running in halls, wearing improper clothing, getting out of line.

Top offenses of students 40 years later, rape, robbery, assault, personal theft, drug use followed by alcohol abuse, carry8ing weapons, absenteeism, vandalism, gang warfare, pregnancies, abortions, suicide and venereal diseases.

I'd say the Devil is saying the ol' USA is nothing but a political contraption that used to be the uniquely last great hope on earth when the whole was greater than the sum of its parts (Not any more). It was a place for something called the "quality of life" when an individual mattered not just for consensus but for the common good (Not any more). Oh, yes, these are things we must strongly consider for they are key to understanding that we have become a pluralist State fomenting out of both sides of its mouth against the Church.

on Jul 15, 2007
We may lose this battle, KFC, but who is going to win the war?
on Jul 15, 2007
While statistics are always neato to look at, it's also important to remember that nobody really cares about them. After all, the cause of these kids being so out of control could be that their parents aren't disciplining them.

That's another thing that's out of control - parents, and the regulation thereof. Because parents started beating their kids, molesting kids, now you can't touch your kid in any way without wondering if you're going to jail over it. I can volunteer at the nursery at church, but I can't change diapers. I was in there today, and I was afraid to interact with the babies. If I hold this baby in my lap, will I get sued? If I tossle that boy's hair, will people look at me differently? My freedom to be a good Dad, and a good child care provider, is gone.

Heck, I worry about a time when I won't be able to change my own son's diapers. Actually, I think they should pass that legislation, because I'm lazy and it's kinda gross. But, you know, when I feel like helping my wife out, I guess I should have the freedom to do it.

Never mind that freedom, how about having the freedom to interact with the opposite sex at work without that niggling thought in the back of your mind. If you make a slip, perfectly accidental, you can lose your career.

Of course, you can also lose your career with a girl anywhere. Sexual harrassment suits are big deals these days, make for good headlines. "Man Looks at Woman, Sued for $15M"

When I was in elementary school, ELEMENTARY school for crying out loud, this girl pretended to like me for a couple days, just to mess with me, and gave me a fake number. I got her real number from her ex, because he's a dick, and I let the girl know I had it...

"Why didn't you call me?"
"I'll call you tonight, its (real number) right?"
"Where did you get that number? Don't ever speak to me again. Don't even LOOK at me..." Then, my favorite part... "or I'll sue you for sexual harrassment!"


8th grade sucks.

Anyway, I was afraid of litigation in those days. She wasn't even hot hot. But when someone says "Don't ____" what's the first thing you do?

No, I didn't end up in court, but I was always paranoid and nervous around her after that, because who would believe me, this ugly little 8th grader, against an attractive 8th grade girl? Nobody. At least, that's what I thought.

Anyway, sexual harrassment lawsuits are way out of control but at the same time, I don't want women to be sexually harrassed. If men didn't harrass them to start with, it wouldn't matter, but once the men through off their restraint, the women through off theirs and used the legal system for personal gain, making a huge joke out of everything.
on Jul 15, 2007
Ever since 1960, everywhere in the country there has been a tremendous increase of abortions, divorce, immorality and filthy propaganda reaching Americans through movies, music, TV, videos, and literature.

You have the most fascinating bureau of statistics! How do they quantify the amount of 'filthy propaganda reaching Americans'? Does it have its own unit of measurement?

And what about immorality? Does every citizen dutifully fill out forms on their sexual experiences in order to maintain the database? It sounds like a goldmine of blackmail material!

I've tried googling to find these figures but I haven't been able to; possibly they're stored in a US-only part of the Bureau website. If an American could summarise the methodology for me I'd be fascinated to see it!

The most graphic means of highlighting the alarming trend is to contrast them with the top offenses of students in the 1950's:

They are in order Talking, chewing gum, running in halls, wearing improper clothing, getting out of line.

Top offenses of students 40 years later, rape, robbery, assault, personal theft, drug use followed by alcohol abuse, carry8ing weapons, absenteeism, vandalism, gang warfare, pregnancies, abortions, suicide and venereal diseases.

You're not being scientific here. Where do you get these claims from? I wasn't aware talking and chewing gum were tracked by the government, and if they are how can you be sure they're not the most common student crimes today? It has been a few years (six now) since I was in high school but I don't remember seeing any mass orgies of rape, robbery, assault and drug use in the classroom. But there was a hell of a lot of talking.

I guess your kids go to a very different kind of school - are you sure they're not in prison instead? It is an easy mistake to make!
on Jul 15, 2007
Anyone that truly has Christ as their Savior are appalled that a Hindu led a prayer in the US Senate.

Wow. In one blanket statement, KFC calls me, Mason, and a whole slew of other Christians non-Christians. Nice.
on Jul 15, 2007
Well, there you have it. If KFC said it, have fun in Hell.
on Jul 15, 2007
Anyone that truly has Christ as their Savior are appalled that a Hindu led a prayer in the US Senate.

Well, there you have it. If KFC said it, have fun in Hell.

I was going to make my reply to these comments here, but I thought I'd leave my meanness on my own blog, here. Keep in mind, you people have gotten me into a pretty sour mood . . .
on Jul 15, 2007
Thanks, SC. KFC saying something doesn't make it truth, I was just being... mean, maybe? I don't know. Probably. I didn't mean to question your Christianity, in fact I was just being mean to KFC. I apologize to you both.   
on Jul 15, 2007
Well not really. In the Islam religion you have no choice. To come to Christianity means certain death if found out. We're seeing that all over the place right now. That's not so with Christianity.

Hey there, Only recently. There was a time, even in this country, that if you took up evil ways, i.e., witchery, you were burned at the stake. And lest not forget the Inquisition, pogroms in Poland, and other wonderful programs designed to bring Christ to the heathen.

Christianity is propagated by love. I'd say that's a big difference. There's no "off with your head" if you don't take Jesus as your Savior.

I woulde like to believe this, but honestly KFC, I have not been the recipient of a lot of love at the hands of Christians. I have seen crosses burning on yards, good Christians making sure blacks don't get served, setting up private schools when desegregation came about, supporting war, and all manner of unloving acts. While there may not be an off with your head mentality as it comes to belief, there is shunning and booting people out of churches, and other forms of hurtfulness. As I see it, intolerance is intolerance regardless how its dressed.

Be well.
on Jul 15, 2007
"Good Christians making sure blacks don't get served"


Are you Buddhist before you reach nirvana? Well, these people are not perfectly like Christ yet. Don't tell me faith is bad because of the actions of some who profess to have faith. I won't tell you that Islam is bad because some Islamic people have become terrorists.

Christianity is perfect - Christians are not.
on Jul 15, 2007
Ever since 1960, everywhere in the country there has been a tremendous increase of abortions, divorce, immorality and filthy propaganda reaching Americans through movies, music, TV, videos, and literature. Money, material possessions, fame and power have become 'gods' worshipped by millions of Americans. Success is measured by what a person has..and it matters little how he gets what he has.

Luli: Frankly, your dates are way off here. All of those evils you mention have been part of the civilization of man for a very long time. I agree with you that the issues related to materialism are a serious threat to civilization, but I don't see how they are related to public funding of religion. I will bet you dollars to donuts that most of the familes suffering from the issues you list classify themselves as Christian. Are you really suggesting that a few Hebrew commandments on a wall are going to change this? Or that leading official prayer by a grade school teacher will improve grades, stop teen sex, and eliminate drug abuse? Where are the Christian families? Where are the so-called Christian family values? The Churches? What is their responsibility in this?

on Jul 15, 2007
Christianity is perfect - Christians are not.

Give me a break. Christianity is hardly perfect. If anything, in my opinion, it is seriously flawed. Christians have hid behind this sort of nonsense for decades, refusing to accept responsibility for those of your faith who distort, twist, and abus all in the name of some fom of dominance.

Are you Buddhist before you reach nirvana?

Yes. In fact we are all buddhas already. Nirvana and samsara or two side of the same coin. We consider all beings to be perfect just as they are. Each of us endowed with Buddha-nature, even you. Besides, Buddhism is not a belief system, it is a practice. As I've suggested before, I pray that people of your faith perfect your faith and walk the walk instead of talking the talk.

Be well.
on Jul 15, 2007
None of that stuff will help now, will it? You can't go back in time here. Once you take prayer out, prayer going back in is only 'oppressive'. Oh, boy, is it oppresive.

Take the commandments off the wall, and you can't put them back up. Have no other God before me? Can't say it, think it, do it in America. It's unconstitutional.

Man, imagine that. Standards of conduct. Shutter at the thought!

My family will be a Christian family, and we will have Christian family values, and so will our church. But I can't control my sons forever. I will pick up my responsibility to myself, my family, and to everyone who will let me teach them, and I will run with it. That's all I can do. That's my responsibility. And hopefully, that will improve grades, stop teen sex, and eliminate drug abuse. But only within my sphere of influence.
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