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It Doesn't Mean What They Want It To
Published on September 21, 2012 By Jythier In Religion

The government’s got it wrong.

For a while now, there has been a push to redefine what freedom of religion means.  Freedom of religion comes from the following:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Here’s what people seem to think it says:

Congress shall not let anybody holding public office exercise their religion.  Anybody who works for the government cannot exercise their religion during work hours.  All exercise of religion outside of strictly religious organizations is prohibited.   Government money cannot go to any religious organization, even if it provides a service better or cheaper than the government could provide.

What I’m saying is that the violation of the Constitution wasn’t when we had the Ten Commandments at the court house.  It was when we removed them.

Now we have the issue of the prayer before starting a public meeting.  Everybody on the committee agrees with it, but people who aren’t involved are up in arms about it because it brings religion into government. You know what?  Those are people in the government.  And the law doesn’t say they need to stop praying.  The law says that you, concerned citizen, cannot stop them from praying.  That’s unconstitutional for you to do.

There’s a bunch of backwards rules that are coming out of the justice system because they can’t even read a document that spells it out clearly.  The very law of our nation that is supposed to keep the government from being able to stop us from praying, celebrating, and exercising our religion has been misinterpreted to mean that they MUST stop us.

I would urge any Christian specifically, because most of this seems to apply only to us, to fight back in two ways.  One, don’t let them trample on your rights.  Two, don’t trample on the rights of other religious groups.  If a Muslim wants to pray, too, that’s HIS right and you shouldn’t stop him, either.   Show the world that it is religious persecution against the Christians instead of just a societal struggle to eliminate all religion from public life.  If it’s not, we’re going to end up in the same place as the other religions.  But what it feels like, is that we’re going to end up with a country that doesn’t allow Christianity, but allows every other religion.  I hope I’m wrong.

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on Dec 11, 2012

Reply #89 lulapilgrim
I am an atheist Lula and as EVERYONE knows that means only one thing, which is that I do not believe in any god or religion end of story. This of course is exactly how you feel about all the other gods and religions ... I just add yours to the mix too so you are well aware of the arguments, you just don’t apply them to yourself. Certainly you would pick option three, it is the one you can manipulate to cover those things that don't fall under one and two where all religions belongs. I don’t care what you call things anymore (especially me) since you have declared me an enemy. And as an enemy, I am not at all concerned with your group classifications and self-definitions because I don’t agree with anything else you say concerning all the rest of your church nonsense, I don’t know why this should be any different? You use these blanket terms just so you don’t have to deal with the actual people individually and personal like as you stab them in the back. I don’t care what other people feel about this crap either and other than a cursory skimming of these manifestos you seem to be concerned with, they don’t mean anything to me … just you. I read Marks, Hitler, Stalin and many other books none of which made me a socialist, a madwoman or a social deviate. I can pin the bible to you in all respects (every single word) and there is no doubt about that. The only thing you can do is tell me where I am obligated to place my loyalties, what organizations I am supposed to sell my soul to, what it is that I really believe in and how my every breath is spent trashing your abomination in the sky. That’s nice, let me know when it is ok for me to speak for myself instead of you doing it for me. I will never understand why you feel compelled to help me like this considering you don’t listen to me whenever I explain myself??? You and your church are the problem simply because you see fit to screw everyone else’s beliefs, relationships, cultures, gods, ways of life and their traditions … everything … just because you feel obligated to by your peaceful and loving god church. I have never known a more prejudiced person that I have had to dealt with. You sit in personal judgment (hiding behind the RCC) of every human who will not capitulate to your ramblings and magic. You do not have any respect for anyone or anything that you personally dislike. You are intellectually dishonest and theologically bankrupt … you should note that you are just another person. Lula, EVERYTHING you disagree with is a huge error, no matter how trivial. What a strange mind it must take to willingly crawl into an archaic hole which excludes all the wonders of the universe and the accomplishments of man … because you think god did it all somehow and that is good enough for you. That is just so unnatural and lacks all the beauty, grace and potential of nature evolving before our my eyes.

I don't think that the second part supersedes the first part.
What religious practices are you personally being prohibited the free exercise thereof? If you cannot understand why the government (who else) has to protect you (and especially me) from your literal kind when they decide to observe all the commands your god gave them ... then you are just being unrealistic as usual. What are you folk petitioning the courts for if not to get the government to capitulate on the first part using the second part as an open ticket and the courts as the vehicle to breach said government? Why do you deny the obvious and then claim to tell the truth. The founders did promote pluralism which is self-evident by their refusal to establish a national church … the very thing they were escaping Europe to get away from. Unfortunately the RCC is anything BUT pluralistic and you are a catholic and that answers everything concerning your views on pluralism.


on Dec 12, 2012

Prayer is being stamped out of public by non-Christians - any public arena where the government has any sway.

You do not seem interested in praying in public Jythier? Not in the grocery store, the bowling alley, the mall or any other actual public venue … why not? People normally spend much more of their time in these places than a court house (hopefully) and they usually aren't working. I do not know of anything or anyway to stop you from walking into any building of your choice and praying.

Really? It happens every day to pro-life people like me. Think abortion clinics. Let alone in any building, I/we are forbidden to walk or stand in front of any abortion clinic while praying.

I'd say that's suppressing my First Amendment right of free speech.

And check out this

Two girls handcuffed and arrested for handing out pro-life literature.   

on Dec 12, 2012

America is ~ 80% Christian and ~ 9% atheist /agnostic … what in the world America do atheists control?


Academia, government education, publishing, Hollywood, the mainstream media, Science, Wall Street, banking, most town and city councils, the unions, short, just about everything since the 1960 cultural and sexual revolutions.  

The few control the many.

on Dec 12, 2012

Two girls handcuffed and arrested for handing out pro-life literature.
Is that the whole story huh ... Lula you do not respect the laws we have and you want more for personal uses. These people will not go to the home of these children nor are they allowed to do it in a public school or on public school grounds. They could pass out their literature in many public forums and just as with the persistent child, they knew exactly what they were doing and the possible “legal consequences”, words that don’t mean much to you either. You refuse to leave the children alone and for that I am glad they were fined. Ten days in jail is always an eye opener IMO. What are you trying to justify here??? Their 1st amendment rights weren’t violated they were on school property … they were in violation of several statutes and I think they were lucky.  

on Dec 12, 2012

Academia, government education, publishing, Hollywood, the mainstream media, Science, Wall Street, banking, most town and city councils, the unions, ... in short, just about everything since the 1960 cultural and sexual revolutions.
What does any of this stuff have to do with ‘christianship’? Christianity is the most popular religion in the United States, with around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012 (down from 86% in 1990, oh my). ~24% are RCC making your sponsors a minority of ~33% among American Christians. Lula you don’t speak for the majority of ‘christiankind’ in America, just for the most publically insufferable and intolerant organization felt around the world. Guess the other 27% of the people, the degenerate class, must fill all those jobs then huh, you are a piece of work all right? Christianity would be fine if left alone and personal.

I know said the devil: “Let's get this worldwide conspiracy going and only involve all the best minds and the most educated people of all nations on earth and combine their resources 'like one' so that we can crush the decadent RCC “... works for me too, just wish it were true??? Reality check needed here! Geese this sounds so familiar … oh I know … the ‘tree of knowledge’ imagine that. Knowledge being the one thing that magic cannot BS … and so it is taboo to theocracy and disliked by god too.  

on Dec 13, 2012

Why are you so set that the minds on your side are the best?  That's a bit arrogant, wouldn't you say?

on Dec 13, 2012


Quoting GirlFriendTess, reply 77

America is ~ 80% Christian and ~ 9% atheist /agnostic … what in the world America do atheists control?

Academia, government education, publishing, Hollywood, the mainstream media, Science, Wall Street, banking, most town and city councils, the unions, short, just about everything since the 1960 cultural and sexual revolutions.

Gee, all I did was give a truthful  answer to your question.

Christianity would be fine if left alone and personal. 

Agree. But take a look at your remarks and you'll see that you don't do what you say. Instead of leaving Christianity and Christians alone, it's been one put-down, slam and attack after another.

I left out the "and personal" part because I think it is near impossible to keep one's religious beliefs personal, even for those who practice Secular and Atheistic Humanism.

Why are you so set that the minds on your side are the best?

Good question.


on Dec 13, 2012

Gee, all I did was give a truthful answer to your question.
Yea right so why did you ignore mine as if it doesn't apply to your war against the world or your hatred of all things un-catholic. You just say things pretend they are true and meaningful, you refuse to explain yourself and you ignore my response as if they weren’t there as usual. You do know what numbers are for don't you ... they can be very useful when you use realistic ones.

Good question.
Bad question and doesn't deserve a response. There are plenty of uneducated people running around pretending they know things they are incapable of understanding pretty much because they don't want to study the actual material and educate themselves. Self-induced ignorance is the worst kind. Do you know what an IQ is by chance???

on Dec 13, 2012


Quoting GirlFriendTess, reply 77

America is ~ 80% Christian and ~ 9% atheist /agnostic … what in the world America do atheists control?

Academia, government education, publishing, Hollywood, the mainstream media, Science, Wall Street, banking, most town and city councils, the unions, short, just about everything since the 1960 cultural and sexual revolutions.

The few control the many.

What does any of this stuff have to do with ‘christianship’? Christianity is the most popular religion in the United States, with around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012 (down from 86% in 1990, oh my). ~24% are RCC making your sponsors a minority of ~33% among American Christians.


Yea right so why did you ignore mine as if it doesn't apply to your war against the world or your hatred of all things un-catholic. ........... You do know what numbers are for don't you ... they can be very useful when you use realistic ones.

C'mon? I didn't ignore your question; I answered it and responded to those numbers (80% Christian/9% Atheist/Agnostic) you provided saying, " the few (9% Atheist/Agnostics) control the many (80% Christians)."

The few (9% Atheists/Agnostics) control Academia, publishing, Science, etc. and as a result the many (80% Christians) are getting Secular and Atheistic Humanism handed to them every which way.

The First Amendment was meant to prevent the establishment of a national religion. James Madison termed "religion" as "the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it." But the Founders couldn't foresee that the Supreme Court would take an active role in expanding the definition of "religion" to include Secular Humanism which seeks to dethrone God preferring faith in man.  So yes, the Founders refused to establish a national religion, yet that is indeed what we have today---Secular and Atheistic Humanism has become our national religion. As a result, the culture war is on against Christianity, its principles, ethos, and morals.


on Dec 13, 2012


I know said the devil: “Let's get this worldwide conspiracy going and only involve all the best minds and the most educated people of all nations on earth and combine their resources 'like one' so that we can crush the decadent RCC “... works for me too, just wish it were true???

Why are you so set that the minds on your side are the best? That's a bit arrogant, wouldn't you say?

Bad question and doesn't deserve a response.

More to the point it's your remark that's bad.

There are plenty of uneducated people running around pretending they know things they are incapable of understanding pretty much because they don't want to study the actual material and educate themselves. Self-induced ignorance is the worst kind.

There are intelligent and dim-witted people on both sides of the Culture War. But it isn't about one's IQ, level of education or being rich or poor; in the end, it's about recognizing and living the important truths of life. Even children grasp wisdom.   

on Dec 13, 2012

C'mon? I didn't ignore your question; I answered it and responded to those numbers (80% Christian/9% Atheist/Agnostic) you provided saying, " the few (9% Atheist/Agnostics) control the many (80% Christians)."
Is that what you were saying 27 million people are controlling the other (HOW?) 273 million people of which 240 million are christians. Do you ever think about the things you write? Have we ever had a non-christian president? How many congressmen and senators do you think are not christian. Guess those good old boys aren't in control of anything ... it's all the atheists fault??? I don't like the entertainment industry so much that I stopped watching ALL TV, I don't bitch about how it is ruining my life, I ignore it and I explain it to my children as necessary (used to anyway). You don't want to take responsibility for anything it seems, easier to destroy things than it is to try to understand them because that requires a rounded education just to begin, one of those pitfalls in life you don't have to deal with. I am warning you to stop with this “Secular Humanism etc.” garbage it is really getting on my nerves … take this as you wish but you had better think it over. You cannot argue against me so you pick your title (atheist etc.) and you argue against that and you assign me with every evil you can think of that someone else may or may not have done because you are a scaredy-cat. Chickie, you believe in original sin, a 6k universe, magic as your only explanation and prostrate yourself forever … whatever floats your boat. I DON’T!

All those stupid names you have for everyone else is the epitome of the straw man argument. There are no secular humanist parties, no voting options, no tea party shits, and no cathedrals or other places of bondage. There is no atheistic church or bible or anything else because you KNOW what an atheist is … no deities. So you argue about all sorts of gobbledygook that you have preconfigured for you. That’s why your major is in “copy and paste” and why you cannot actually defend any of your own profound examples … and why you state them as facts … because you are clueless. They used the same science we use but they know how it is supposed to be done, hahaha. There are only two things you can do: 1 – You can lie about the bible and claim every word divine because you just know, and 2 – You can lie about everything you do not understand approve of and about which you are devoid of any facts because you have never looked. Not my problem as I will continue to go with the 99.9% of the wacky conspiring pseudoscientists and you can stay with your 0.1% of real scientists. Not a problem for me because I am in good company.

Secular and Atheistic Humanism
This shit has got to stop!!!


on Dec 15, 2012






C'mon? I didn't ignore your question; I answered it and responded to those numbers (80% Christian/9% Atheist/Agnostic) you provided saying, " the few (9% Atheist/Agnostics) control the many (80% Christians)."

The few (9% Atheists/Agnostics) control Academia, publishing, Science, etc. and as a result the many (80% Christians) are getting Secular and Atheistic Humanism handed to them every which way.

Is that what you were saying 27 million people are controlling the other (HOW?)

Yes that's what I'm saying. How? through amoral and immoral Secular and Atheistic humanist education, and unjust municipal and federal policies, ordinances and laws.

Have we ever had a non-christian president?

Ya, right now.

Quoting lulapilgrim, reply 99

Secular and Atheistic Humanism


This shit has got to stop!!!

I agree but the reality of it instead of being neutral, the government is now favoring Secular and Atheistic Humanism giving it a privileged place.

I am warning you to stop with this “Secular Humanism etc.” garbage it is really getting on my nerves … take this as you wish but you had better think it over.

The Culture War is raging in France...Just read this article about how high a privileged place Secular Humanism is given there and what "violating Secularism" means.


on Dec 15, 2012

Lula we need to stop the nonsense. You believe in a young earth inspired by your book which you think is inspired and maintained by a deity. And because you think god personally told you what’s what which is untrue, you think that everything you don’t agree with must be wrong and therefore needs … has … to be argued against, no further thought necessary. That is fine if that is your choice. But you are way too emotional as are your answers and you have told me that you are angry often and I don’t like angry life is just too short for it.  You are welcome to your beliefs but I ask you to question why you are so personally filled with anger considering your peaceful religion and its benevolent deity, just doesn’t register. You say you are a literal biblical realist and YEC but this is not our reality, disingenuous.

Oh, I have discovered an error (IMO) on the age of the earth, it is 4.45 byo not 4.54 byo as I first thought.  So I say 4.45 billion years old and you say 6,000 years old, an error of a factor of 741,667 and that is a typical biblical error and a lot of difference. Under this handicap I cannot discuss anything beyond the 6k mark in history which I tried to do previously and you shrugged me off more than once. “And let’s be honest” … if you feel inclined to say crap like this then I can only assume you aren’t being earnest or are being disingenuous.

You cannot make a general list like this --“Academia, government education, publishing, Hollywood, the mainstream media, Science, Wall Street, banking, most town and city councils, the unions, … in short, just about everything since the 1960 cultural and sexual revolutions. “-- and possibly think it is intelligible. There are plenty of people on both sides in all these generalizations of yours … it is just a quick way to attack what you don’t like en mass because you don’t know how to do it any other way. You do the same for homos, atheists, humanists, democrats, the educated, the experienced, secularists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus anyone not indoctrinated etc. and anyone not yet coerced. Nice comprehensive groups for you to belittle at every turn. You lady are a scaredy-cat and you are hiding beneath the skirts of the RCC which you accept as god’s authority on earth, a crock of malarkey. If you or they could prove anything non-mental … anything at all … it would have been produced by now surely. If you could argue the age of the earth (no reason you had to bring the universe into it but you did???) to be 6,000 years old, well THAT is not a very long time at all and that should be the easiest thing in the world to prove … unless of course it is NOT true. Most of the creationists you use aren’t YEC’s because even they know better; this battle has been over for quite some time. What most of them are trying to do is brake evolutionary theory just like you, but they are using the same science as us and their results are not near 6,000 years either. So you use their shoddy work whenever you refute your Darwinian evolution nonsense (because only their numbers are right and only they know how science works) … but you completely ignore their numbers too when you get to the bible and your 6k nonsense. They are YOUR proper scientists but … can only be trusted to break things, just like you. You don’t like numbers much at all unless they are scripture numbers.

Prove that Obama is not a christian (no opinion here) because I am tired of you just saying stuff like this … just to ignore the point and all the rest of the idiots in congress (and presidents) as usual, no power there at all, disingenuous.

I don’t mind writing but I am not going to defend every aspect of my life and everything I have come to understand and believe in … because you want the earth to be 6,000 years old … I worked too hard to allow this bollox. You have never wanted any truthful answers from me but sadly that is all I have tried to give. As you have already decided that ALL (and I mean all) 479,300 (99.85%) of the US earth science experts (my guys) are all screwed up (taught in school) while the remaining 700 (0.15%) the creation experts (your guys) are the only competent ones (not taught in school) … and you come to me for clarification a fight, disingenuous.

Even your clergy have councils and gatherings to make decisions and vote … do you must think they all think exactly alike? If that were true they wouldn’t need to vote, but they do and for good reasons. There are people in all capacities of life that have their own agendas, are crazy or are insufficiently knowledgeable and need to be overridden by vote. The majority do not agree with the minority so that only the majority has any say so in the outcome. You people have never admitted outsiders especially scientists in your theological decision making and have a history of impeding science as stringently as possible (and still are today, no change there). The point being you guys decide amongst yourselves and only amongst yourselves the right course. You accept no outside opinion, no proof at all, and you could care less for science or an education. It works just the same for the educated (except the education and science part) only we have much more strict requirements and always require proof.

Stellar evolution, Cosmic Evolution, Darwinian Evolution and Theistic Evolution are NOT SCIENCES. They are things you have assigned your own meanings to so you can denigrate everything you disagree with all at one time with two word ‘evolution-something or the other’. Your purported experts don’t call their fields of study (their sciences if you will) stellar evolution, cosmic evolution, Darwinian evolution or theistic evolution, now do they … just you do when talking about science, disingenuous.

One more chance to be honest: Why do you hate what you call Darwinian evolution the way you do? You have never been honest with me before with these little tests. I actually know why, but let’s see what you say with this warning attached.

Secular and Atheistic Humanism ... This shit has got to stop!!!
Your reply

I agree but
Disingenuous. You couldn't get to the end of this sentence, nor could you keep it out of the next one, hump. I would say your attention span is zero??? I read the article and I don't care much for France or what goes on there because I don't have my sights set on dominating the rest of the world, We have plenty of problems here that need to be addressed. You know me so well; did you expect me to become RCC sensitive because of this article?




on Dec 15, 2012

Prove that Obama is not a christian

Check his voting record on abortion..that's the proof. One can't be Christian or a Christian and vote to approve abortion, including in his case infanticide, at the same time.


Secular and Atheistic Humanism ... This shit has got to stop!!!

Your reply

I agree but

Disingenuous. You couldn't get to the end of this sentence, nor could you keep it out of the next one,

Not disingenuous at all. It's not as if I agreed to follow your orders to stop saying or referring to Secular and Atheistic Humanism. 

I call a spade a spade. Secular and Atheistic Humanism really exist and are being practiced here in the USA and all over the world. They are both a movement and a religion. That's just the way it is.

You said, this shit has got to stop!!! And I thought "Amen" to that and made a play off your words as though you were referring to Secular and Atheistic Humanism.  That's why I said I agree (that this shit has got to stop) but the reality of it instead of being neutral, the government is now favoring Secular and Atheistic Humanism giving it a privileged place.

Anyway, I am sorry for the confusion. And for clarification, I have no intention of stopping saying or referring to Secular and Atheistic Humanism when the need arises.

As for your comments about Darwin Evolution, young earth, etc.etc.,  we've covered those on your blog and I won't take them up  here.




on Dec 15, 2012

Anyway, I am sorry for the confusion. And for clarification, I have no intention of stopping saying or referring to Secular and Atheistic Humanism when the need arises.
No confusion on my part, please do not reference me anymore on this post because I am done with your stupidity, your closed mind and your inability to think for yourself. I tried … Good bye!!! I don't need the practice and you don't care.

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