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Published on August 6, 2007 By Jythier In Politics
A man gives his servants different amounts of money to invest. To one, he gives 50,000. To the second, 20,000. And to the third, 10,000.

He leaves for a couple years, and comes back. The one he gave 50k now has 100k. He says, woohoo.
The one he gave 20k now has 40k. He says, great job.
The third had still 10k, because he buried it in a mayonaisse jar in the back yard.

So, he takes 20k from the first, 10k from the second, and gives 5k to the third. The remaining 25k is given to the high fructose corn syrup industry.

At least, that's what the government would do.

In the Bible version, the 10k was taken away from the servant and given to the richest.

This is pretty powerful proof that entitlements and welfare are not the way to go. Redistribution of wealth is great, as long as it's taking from those who do not know what to do with it and given to those who can handle it well.

Note that nothing was taken from or given to the middle servant.

We can't get rid of taxes altogether, because they are needed to take the money of many and pool it to solve common problems and provide for common needs. But that is ALL a government should be doing.

Giving money to people who can't handle it properly is bad news. It's already biting us in the butt. Often it's not even spent on food or housing, and goes to something else instead. If you give money to people for nothing, they will continue to give you nothing. It's the best return on investment ever. I give you nothing, and you give me something, is an infinite rate of return.

I think we need to make those on welfare do something for their food and housing, and give them food and housing instead of money. Community service hours springs to mind. I'm sure there are those who are able to work, but don't. If they had to do community service in exchange for living in a really bad place to live, perhaps they would rather get a job, so they could afford a better place.

Welfare for those who cannot work is still needed, but I think private charity can pick up the slack there, by doing their hours for them or some other way.

It should always be worse to be on welfare than to work, and it should always be worse to have additional children in this situation.

Currently we don't have the ability to put this system into place.

Please, let me know the pitfalls of this idea.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 06, 2007
I think we need to make those on welfare do something for their food and housing, and give them food and housing instead of money. Community service hours springs to mind. I'm sure there are those who are able to work, but don't. If they had to do community service in exchange for living in a really bad place to live, perhaps they would rather get a job, so they could afford a better place.

If these people are able to do community service for their welfare, then they are able to go out and get a job.  Welfare needs to end or be severely overhauled.
on Aug 06, 2007
Exactly, they should go out and get a job. But if there is nobody hiring, we can't just let them starve.
on Aug 06, 2007
I think we need to make those on welfare do something for their food and housing, and give them food and housing instead of money. Community service hours springs to mind. I'm sure there are those who are able to work, but don't. If they had to do community service in exchange for living in a really bad place to live, perhaps they would rather get a job, so they could afford a better place.

Where I live our safe house (ie homeless shelter) has rules to stay there. It isn't a facility to just be a bum. I know many in the area are appalled in their dealings but I see more good then cons.

- They have to be actively working with a career counselor looking for a job.
- They must shower and learn proper hygiene.
- No drugs and no alcohol. One can loose their privilege of staying there as a result if alcohol is even smelled on them. This was put into place to help protect the children staying there.
- They receive a voucher to buy decent clothes at the Volunteers of America Thrift store.
- They are close to the Manna Soup kitchen where they can get one free hot meal per day.

This system allows those who are trying to start all over that chance to get started. I'm not sure the exact numbers of their success rate but I know it is working.

You can only help those who are willing to make the effort to better themselves.
on Aug 06, 2007
Exactly, they should go out and get a job. But if there is nobody hiring, we can't just let them starve.

Someone is always hiring.  The notion that people can't find a job anywhwere is complete nonsense.  The problem is it's not the job they "want" to do.

on Aug 06, 2007
But if there is nobody hiring

Someone is always hiring. The notion that people can't find a job anywhere is complete nonsense. The problem is it's not the job they "want" to do.

With unemployment at historic lows, it's very unlikely that there are no jobs in any field. You can always get a job in retail, telemarketing, or food service. Don't be like Cousin Eddie from the Vacation films -- don't "hold out for a management position".
on Aug 06, 2007
I agree with LW's point on poorhouses, for sure. I also think A-D's safe house is good, too.

As for people being able to find jobs, some people are absolutely unable to hold jobs. They need to be taught how. While that is going on, let them work on public projects. Hey, I hear they're going to need some people to build a wall pretty soon, let's take all the homeless and get them working!
on Aug 06, 2007
As for people being able to find jobs, some people are absolutely unable to hold jobs. They need to be taught how.

How do you teach someone to "hold" a job?  Show up on time, do your job, go home.  It's not that hard.
on Aug 06, 2007
Yeah, some people can't seem to figure that out.
on Aug 06, 2007
some people are absolutely unable to hold jobs. They need to be taught how.

Ok, I'll take the hard line. No they don't. They need to die off. Right away.

Mike Judge made a movie that had this as its basic premise. The undereducated, underpriveleged are breeding like rabbits. The more educated, more priveleged are waiting because they don't like the state of things. In 500 years of this, what you get is a world full of abject morons. Provided we can last another 500 years. Which I doubt. For some reason.

I hate to be an asshole, but if I have to, I have to. Love thy neighbor falls painfully short when your neighbor doesn't care enough about you to be productive. It's not hard. There are far too many ways for lazy people to claim that they don't have the skills to do a job (as was referenced earlier - meaning a job they *want*) and to then suck the teat of the American public dry because their 12th kid is starving. I'm sick to death of it, and I only see one way out. Let them die.

Harsh? Yeah. It is. Sorry. But once even two or three of them die, you're gonna see some hard-working mofos come crawling out of the woodwork. And about time.
on Aug 06, 2007
Show up on time, do your job, go home. It's not that hard.

You're right, of course, I_D. But it's a concept that escapes some people, strangely enough.

I believe that the environment of a poorhouse would offer adequate incentive to get off of one's rump, personally.
on Aug 06, 2007
Harsh? Yeah. It is. Sorry. But once even two or three of them die, you're gonna see some hard-working mofos come crawling out of the woodwork. And about time.

Love it.
on Aug 06, 2007
What if 50 k dude lost everything in the dot com bust? What if 20k dude decided to invest in subprime loans? Would Mr. safety be such a bad guy then? Do you think those that double their money are smarter than other people or just luckier?

As far as working instead of being on welfare are you going to provide childcare for the single mothers to volunteer? I think childcare is a huge issue to address when talking about getting people from welfare to work. Yes, I know poor people should not be allowed to reproduce but there it is. The same people who think abortion is the most evil thing on the planet have no problem condemning the poor who chose to carry their fetuses to term.

This is pretty powerful proof that entitlements and welfare are not the way to go.

How is this powerful proof? It is an imaginary scenario.

Ok, I'll take the hard line. No they don't. They need to die off. Right away.

Shame on you, Ock. I am really hoping you had your tongue in your cheek when you were writing this. I have no problem with taking away their cigarettes and cable TV but death - that's more than harsh.

on Aug 06, 2007
What if 50 k dude lost everything in the dot com bust? What if 20k dude decided to invest in subprime loans? Would Mr. safety be such a bad guy then? Do you think those that double their money are smarter than other people or just luckier?

And I thought I had a lot of questions. I guess you can say I consider myself the king of analyzing everything. I over analyze everything to the point of changing my mind several times before I make a decision. But these questions are just way too over analyzed even for me. There's always a little bit of luck in everything but many times smarts can also be an ingredient. In the end it doesn't matter, those who doubled their money be it by smarts or luck at least made the effort to double their money and succeeded thru either or both routes, which is what really matters, compared to those who won't even try. There's this story I use to hear in Puerto Rico, I'll try to translate:

There was a man who prayed to God every day and every night to win the lottery but would never win. You know why? Because he never bought a lottery ticket.

He always wanted something but never actually tried to get it himself. There is also a saying in Puerto Rico: Help yourself and God will help you.

As far as working instead of being on welfare are you going to provide childcare for the single mothers to volunteer? I think childcare is a huge issue to address when talking about getting people from welfare to work. Yes, I know poor people should not be allowed to reproduce but there it is. The same people who think abortion is the most evil thing on the planet have no problem condemning the poor who chose to carry their fetuses to term.

Why is it that you think everyone deserves some kind of help in order to make progress? Why can't they do it on their own? I have 2 kids, one in summer camp and the other in daycare. My wife started working about 6 to 8 months ago, we have had our kids either in daycare or in school and being picked up by a friend after school while we work. We pay around $150 a week between both, that's $600 a month on average. I was making $11 and my wife $9. I am now up to $13 thanks to being hired permanently and then getting a promotion a few days ago. I don't get any Gov't help, I don't get any family help. I work and I pay for my services. Why is this so hard for any family or single parent? My mom did it just fine as well. This whole idea of having to give someone help just because we "think" they need it as oppose to expecting them to do it on their own is something I would expect to do with children, not adults. How can we expect people to learn to survive when all we keep doing is teaching them to depend on others? Almost the entire animal kingdom parental system is based on teaching their offspring or them being born with the knowledge to survive on their own. How is it that we being the "smart" ones can't even grasp this concept?
on Aug 07, 2007
The same people who think abortion is the most evil thing on the planet have no problem condemning the poor who chose to carry their fetuses to term.

I hate that about Liberals. They catch people making fools of themselves. Liberals are not supposed to be able to think or catch things like that. you are supposed to discuss what is being said NOW, why do you bring what was said before? You are an elite liberal for sure. ooooh nooo. liberals dont know how to research, analyze, or do any of that mental work.

.... i dont know what you are loca. Just say Amen. ok?
on Aug 07, 2007
.... i dont know what you are loca. Just say Amen. ok?

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