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And We're Probably Reloading...
Published on August 18, 2007 By Jythier In US Domestic
Liberals suck. It's their fault.
Conservatives suck. It's their fault.
Democrats suck. It's their fault.
Republicans suck. It's their fault.

Basically, we've taken a whole bunch of beliefs and shoved them into two parties.
I'm guessing no liberal actually believes in the entire liberal platform, even the most kooky ones. Conservatives, same thing.

Yet what do we do? We divide it up. We say, I won't vote for a Democrat because ___. I won't vote for a Republican because ___. Then, a Republican comes along that you agree with that issue on. But you're still not going to vote for him, because of all those other Republicans.

Should voting be about the person you're voting for? Absolutely. Character and moral fiber should be, and used to be, so important that you couldn't even RUN for office without them. How can the people know what you stand for if they can't trust a word out of your mouth?

Basically, all political parties have done is take large groups of people, and given large corporations the ability to buy favors. There's only two parties, not much money to buy two parties. So basically, what we are left with, is two parties that are going to disagree on everything that relates to the actual people they represent, but agree on everything good for corporations and their profits - usually the opposite of what's best for the individuals. But why should we expect a large group of people, the political parties, to care about an individual? They only care about other large groups - corporations.

And money.

Honestly, by continuing to give our INDIVIDUAL votes to parties (not candidates) who don't care about individual votes we are continuing to allow this festering of politicians who have no greater purpose than to block the other party from passing anything, and to stay in office another round, regardless of what's best for the people of the United States of America, individually or as a whole.

The problem is, the only people out there who aren't in a party - the independents - who have moral fiber and good character, don't have any money to run with, and no corporation is going to back them, because there's very little chance of them actually winning.

But it would sure be refreshing to have a battle with enough candidates that you could actually vote based on the issues.

Honestly, in this day and age, we should be voting directly on the issues. I think we live in a society mature enough to not repress citizens. And, I'm guessing the majority of citizens would vote against ape suffrage.

on Aug 21, 2007
This is what this country has come to, voting for someone simply because they are either Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative. It is known that politicians lie to get people to vote yet people take the bait every time as if it was the first time. Reminds me of how politics in Puerto Rico are. As a child during elections all the kids we spent playing with for years would become enemies because of their parents political choices. We were so ignorant we would simply wear clothing of the colors of the party just to spite others. Normally people would vote for a party because the party affiliation was passed down like a family recipe or tradition. I remember asking my mom once why she voted the way she did, did she understand what exactly her party stood for. She couldn't give me a direct response, she just did cause almost everyone else in the family did. She got mad when she found out I was considering voting for the opposing party because I felt they were a better choice for Puerto Rico since things were going really bad. I voted for her party just to avoid problems, for this one time since it was my first time voting. He lost anyways. It seems thing are somewhat similar here in the US now a days, voting not because of what the politician will do but simply because he is part of the party you relate to the most.

It would be sad to think of Hilary winning simply because she is a woman.
on Aug 21, 2007
The real problem is, both politicians are going to do roughly the same things. So there isn't really a choice anymore, it's just a popularity contest. Each party only wants the majority so they can get the bribes this term.
on Aug 21, 2007

Point taken.  But the problem is  if I see a great democrat, I want to vote for them because I think the republican stinks (and independants are an endangered Species).  When they get to DC, they caucus with the loons up there!

On state and local levels, I do vote for both parties.  Yous still get some crap, but at least they are not screwing you majorily, just minorly.

on Aug 21, 2007
I just want a politician who says what they are going to try to do in office, and then do it. Vote the way you said you were going to vote. If you were going to try to bring the troops home, and we voted you in, try! If you were going to cut taxes, and we voted you in, cut them. If you said you were going to raise taxes to balance the budget, raise taxes. If you said you were going to cut spending, don't introduce the bill with the biggest budget of the year. You know? You represented that you were going to do something, now do it. To not do so should be considered fraud.

If you vote for someone who says they will not raise taxes, and they vote to raise taxes, it IS fraud. Sue your congressman for raising taxes!

Elements of Fraud

an individual or an organization intentionally makes an untrue representation about an important fact or event; (No new taxes!)

the untrue representation is believed by the victim (the person or organization to whom the representation has been made); (I believe him!)

the victim relies upon and acts upon the untrue representation; (I voted for him!)

the victim suffers loss of money and/or property as a result of relying upon and acting upon the untrue representation. (Taxes were raised, and I lost money and/or property to pay for that tax.)
