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Published on July 4, 2007 By Jythier In Democrat
If women agreed on everything, they could form a 'Woman Party' and rule the US. There are more women in the United States than males, especially of voting age. Why haven't they voted a woman into office yet? Probably for the same reason we haven't voted in a third party candidate - nobody has ever taken a serious run at it.

What I wonder is, will women vote for a woman simply because she is a woman, or will they be more likely to choose based on platform? And, will men vote against a woman simply because she is a woman?

I honestly don't know. I hope I do not have to find out. However, that does not seem likely to me. If a woman runs in the primary, she will probably win the primary. Primaries don't seem to have too many issue debates, because they're from the same party. So, women in her party are more likely to vote for her just because she is a woman, unless something in her platform offends them so badly that they do not.

Last election, my vote may not have counted. This election, I'm pretty sure every state is going to be a swing state. If it's a man vs. woman battle, people are going to be thrown off their normal strides. Also, throw in a third party candidate who believes they can win. They might actually get some electoral votes if they play their cards right.

Now all we have to do is wait for Political Machine: Third Party to come out.

on Jul 04, 2007
yes anyone but the one that is running
on Jul 04, 2007
I think a woman is definately capable of serving as President. I don't think women will support a woman candidate just because she is a woman. I think it's exciting to see women in positions of power, the Speaker of the House, Supreme Court, Secretary of State. I think it is just a matter of time before we have a woman President. I don't know if it will be now. If Hilary doesn't get the nomination or win the election, I think it's for other reasons than the fact that she's female.

Women don't agree on everything anymore than men agree on everything so I don't think we'll be taking over the country just yet. Too bad though. Maybe we could improve things.

So what do you think if Bloomburg runs as an Independent? Would you vote for him as a serious third party candidate?
on Jul 04, 2007
locomama for president
on Jul 04, 2007
I don't have a problem with a woman becoming President, I do have a problem of a socialists woman becoming President though. 

on Jul 04, 2007
I'm not even going to touch whether or not she could SERVE as President. Just become.

If Hillary doesn't win it's definitely because of other reasons.
on Jul 04, 2007
I'm pretty sure every state is going to be a swing state.

Except for the reddest state in the Union, Utah, where the Repub candidate - regardless of how competent (or incompetent) they are, will get an easy 90% of the vote.
on Jul 04, 2007
Utah is, as always, a special case.
on Jul 05, 2007

"Can" a woman?  Yes. "Will" a woman? that is the real question.

But as much as the media would like to try to stereotype groups of people, the exceptions outnumber the rules.  With one exception, no demographic is "solidly" one party or another.  A majority, yes.  But then even at times, those majorities stay home and dont vote, which is only wasting their vote.

Women are no more monolithic than men when it comes to politics.  You can see that here at JU and in the voting population at large.

on Jul 06, 2007
Yes, a woman can become President. The question is will the people of this country let her and that's the real question as the Doc said. A woman is put on such a pedestal that it would be harder to climb and even harder to come off on the road to the Presidency. Not only would she be looked at where her political life is concerned, but her personal tastes, looks, thoughts, every possible nuance of her character would be judged, that's the terrible thing about it, she would not be given the chance!
on Jul 06, 2007
How dare she be wearing white. It's after Labor Day for crying out loud.

What about foreign policy? What will Iraq think of a country having invaded them with a woman at the helm? Will the relationship between Iraq and US be hurt by this? If we install a puppet gov't, will it unpuppet itself rather than be a puppet of a woman? We Americans can think whatever we want of women, that doesn't mean other countries will think it's okay.
on Jul 08, 2007
How dare she be wearing white. It's after Labor Day for crying out loud.

That's so passe now!lol!

If we install a puppet gov't, will it unpuppet itself rather than be a puppet of a woman? We Americans can think whatever we want of women, that doesn't mean other countries will think it's okay.

Why would it be a puppet government just because a woman is president? Are you saying our country is just like those others who treat their women as fifth class citizens?

And not to be rude but who gives a dick what they think if we do have a woman as president?! The thing is there will never be a woman as president, much in the same way there will never be a person of color as president because the majority in this country will never be comfortable, of course it would be great if I'm wrong but it doesn't seem likely.
on Jul 08, 2007
If Hilary doesn't get the nomination or win the election, I think it's for other reasons than the fact that she's female.

I agree. My issues with Hillary have NOTHING to do with her gender.
on Jul 08, 2007

My issues with Hillary have NOTHING to do with her gender.

She has one?

on Jul 08, 2007
I was referring to installing a puppet gov't in Iraq, not here.
on Jul 08, 2007
I was referring to installing a puppet gov't in Iraq, not here.

we don't want a puppet in Iraq. we have enough trouble trying to run this one.