An unpractical and un-American solution
First, I want to address what I think of LW's problem with the new bill, which actually has little to do with the Visa's themselves, but with the treatment of legal immigrants - it sucks. I think the regulations regarding legal immigration needs to be changed, and make it easier for people to stay and become citizens. Especially from countries where we have Visa waivers.
The next problem with the immigration legislation is that it lets everyone in, even gang members and known criminals, as long as they say they're not in a gang. I think there needs to be a distinct separation between illegal immigrants who are law abiding in every other way and those illegal immigrants who commit felonies. The best way I can think of to respond to this is to deport all illegal immigrants found in this country, as they are found. No special round-em-up measures need be taken, just anytime you find one, send him home. But, if you find one committing a felony, they should be a trial to see if they are here legally, and a trial to see if they indeed committed said felony. If both come out guilty, death penalty. We can't afford the resources to jail these people, and if we deport them, they'll just come back. Crossing the border for the purpose of committing a felony should be considered a serious crime.
Amenesty bills are not going to solve anything, and will only piss people off. Making it easier to become a citizen and less attractive to be in the country illegally is the only way to cut down on this problem. Allowing for more legal immigration is a must, because businesses still need laborers, and with all the illegals dead or deported, well, there will be a rising need for legal immigrants. But when we don't need anymore, we can shut it down again. Illegals will just keep coming and coming.
If there's a terribly bumpy road that needs to be fixed, you can't just put a sign next to it that says "Rough road" and call it done. All you're doing is admitting you're not going to solve the problem. Just like the education system, just put a sign by the school that says "Slow children." (Thanks Rob Paravonian - used without permission)
Same thing with the problem of illegal immigration. You can't just call them legal and be done with it. The problem will still be there, except now everyone will know you're not going to solve it.