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Published on February 23, 2007 By Jythier In Misc
I suggest that the only reason people even notice that computers mess up is that they tell you. For years, people have been making mistakes- mistakes with products, mistakes with their lives, mistakes on the cash register - heck, I bet you could even find an accounting mistake somewhere. I think that if no-one had invented the error message, no-one would even notice that computer programs are buggy. They're certainly not more poorly made than anything else. Product defects have been around forever.

The difference between product defects and computer program bugs, though, is that product defects can be fixed by sending someone a new product. If you send the user a new disk, it still has the bug in the code. You have to release a patch in order to fix it, and even when you do, it only fixes some problems. The variability in computers makes it impossible for a computer game to work properly on every computer.

The problem is, you advertised the product and made someone want to buy it. When they did, and it didn't work, they're now pissed off. In non-software cases you can fix it, but with software, it's nearly impossible to fix it without doing a large amount of work that one customer doesn't justify.

So computer programs aren't any worse than anything else humans have put out in their many years on this planet. It's just a lot more noticable and harder to make up for.

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