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Published on August 22, 2006 By Jythier In Blogging
Exaggeration. Blowing things out of proportion. Use of absolutes. We all(gasp!) tend to do these things, especially when debating. However, they leave one open to attacks, such as...
"You're exaggerating!"
"You're blowing things out of proportion!"
"Not ALL people do this."

So why do we still do it?

I don't know! But it doesn't help to attack THAT and ignore the point, because if you do, all you'll get in response is "You've completely missed my point!"

I see that line in most comment streams where there is more than one side (usually two sides debating the absolutes, the other two the actual issue, and maybe a fifth side pointing out all the grammar and spelling issues, and a side of fries).

This issue is the biggest issue on JoeUser! It's bigger than all other issues combined! And, it needs to be solved, so we can all go back to less important things, like bad parenting, Hezbollah, Christianity, and George Bush's campaign against (Iraq or America).

Only registered users may comment, as they are the only people affected by this pressing matter.

You've probably already completely missed my point.

on Aug 22, 2006

Actually, I like your point.  But I do have a question.  Why post under humor?  Better to post under Blogging.

And to answer the over arching question, the reason we attack the exageration, is that it is the easiest straw horse to debate.

on Aug 22, 2006
I was trying to be funny... I put it under blogging now, it is a better fit.
on Aug 22, 2006

was trying to be funny

Sorry, I took it very seriously, and a good article.  Guess my humor bone is over in Europe with my wife (our cells do not work over there).  Yea, just a lonely old man right now.  But it still is a good article.

on Aug 22, 2006

Actually not all Juers are nit pickers...


Just kidding.

on Aug 22, 2006
Well, I took it seriously too, but wanted to present it in a humourous way so the nit pickers wouldn't come get me.
on Aug 22, 2006
When is your family coming home? I'm picking mine up at the airport tonight!
on Aug 22, 2006
I enjoy picking nits. The big ones have the best flavor.
on Aug 22, 2006
enjoy picking nits. The big ones have the best flavor.


Speaking of.....I took my kids to the zoo yesterday. We were treated to lots of animal activity because it was in the 70's.

Some butt ugly monkeys, with what looks like big pink callouses on their butt cheeks, were bending over in front of us taking turns picking "things" off each other's butt and eating it.

My boys laughed hysterically while I gagged in the faux fern bushes.

Um, sorry for the hi jack.
on Aug 22, 2006
This was the reply I had predicted when I put this in 'humor'. Yes, I have the power to see the future of thread hi jacks.
on Aug 22, 2006

When is your family coming home? I'm picking mine up at the airport tonight

Monday!  So I guess I am going to be a sour puss!

on Aug 22, 2006

My boys laughed hysterically while I gagged in the faux fern bushes.

Guy humor vs Gal humor!

on Aug 22, 2006
Last time they went for 3 weeks... this time only 1 week... much better, methinks. Leaving for the airport now... yay!
on Aug 22, 2006

Yes, I have the power to see the future of thread hi jacks

Maybe you should think about expanding and helping people find lost stuff.....

its in a dark corner, or on something wooden, no I don't mean that!

on Aug 23, 2006
Now it's REALLY been hijacked. I read that one, it was really funny... trying to sell the lotto numbers in his next post, right?