Exaggeration. Blowing things out of proportion. Use of absolutes. We all(gasp!) tend to do these things, especially when debating. However, they leave one open to attacks, such as...
"You're exaggerating!"
"You're blowing things out of proportion!"
"Not ALL people do this."
So why do we still do it?
I don't know! But it doesn't help to attack THAT and ignore the point, because if you do, all you'll get in response is "You've completely missed my point!"
I see that line in most comment streams where there is more than one side (usually two sides debating the absolutes, the other two the actual issue, and maybe a fifth side pointing out all the grammar and spelling issues, and a side of fries).
This issue is the biggest issue on JoeUser! It's bigger than all other issues combined! And, it needs to be solved, so we can all go back to less important things, like bad parenting, Hezbollah, Christianity, and George Bush's campaign against (Iraq or America).
Only registered users may comment, as they are the only people affected by this pressing matter.
You've probably already completely missed my point.