I am not an expert on breastfeeding. However, my wife is a member of a breastfeeding message board. On this board, many women have come for support for their breastfeeding, because their doctors don't even know the first thing about it.
The worst part is, there are many stories where women have been told by their doctors that they cannot breastfeed or should not breastfeed in situations where it is completely okay to do so. A recent story posted had a woman being told by her doctor that she could not breastfeed while pregnant. While there are some situations where that is true, in most cases (including this one) breastfeeding while pregnant is perfectly fine. It even has a name, tandem nursing. Or something like that. Not an expert. Anyway, my wife continually rants to me about this sort of thing going on where doctors are giving out bad information on breastfeeding.
If you don't KNOW, DON'T MAKE STUFF UP! You are NOT helping anyone! Even though in some cases formula is the best option, breast milk is better overall. So why are these doctors trying to mess up these poor Moms? Moms have a tough enough job as it is without you making up lies.
This is a related story, though not as bad because it wasn't a doctor making stuff up. My wife flew out to go to a family reunion. She took the baby with her, and had his carseat because the tickets were really cheap. Anyway, she put the carseat in backwards just like she would in the car. The stewardess told her to turn it around.
Now, the stewardess's reasoning was this: The car seat should face backwards in the car because of the danger of glass from the windshield and, because there isn't a windshield in the back of the plane, it should face forward.
The real reason it's backwards in the car is because if there is a crash, the carseat will take the brunt of the crash instead of the baby's spine, so the baby has at least a chance of living.
Now, I suppose since a plane is going so fast it doesn't matter anyway, but why make a fuss? Why make up such a stupid reason? The car seat is in the backseat of a car, and facing backwards it would have the danger of the rear windshield anyway. Also, when turned around at age 1, the windshield is STILL there. But the spine is now strong enough to withstand a crash. Hopefully.
Anyway, all that just to say DON'T MAKE STUFF UP! If you don't know, say so. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble that way.