Blogging about forensic accounting, my life, and anything else I feel warrants it. Disclaimer: Anything found on this site is not intended to be professional advice. If you are in need of professional advice, please contact a professional to give it.
Published on August 10, 2006 By Jythier In Business
I've been working as a temp at a forensic accounting firm for a little over 4 months now. Today, we got some sad news. One of the accountants is leaving in about two weeks, for greener, governmental pastures.

What that means is there is now an opening for a new hire. And that new hire is ME! How exciting! I don't have to be a temp anymore, I will get my own laptop, and I will get paid a whole bunch more. But the most important thing is the benefits for my family, and the stability of not having to wonder if today is the last day of work every day.

Not to mention being able to say "I work at ____" without having to add that I'm "just a temp."

on Aug 10, 2006
Congrats! Wonderful news.
on Aug 10, 2006
Way to go!
Have you enjoyed the company you are working for? And will it mean a raise and better benefits?
on Aug 10, 2006
Excellent! You got your foot in the door and showed tham what you can do, and they've recognized your skills and want to keep you! Congratulations!!
on Aug 10, 2006
Thanks for the grats. Yes, raise, and I had NO benefits, so now I get crummy benefits! Oh well, but I love this company. They're so nice at our office!
on Aug 10, 2006
Great news. Best of luck with your new full time job.
on Aug 10, 2006
Great news. Best of luck with this new position.
on Aug 10, 2006
on Aug 11, 2006

Congratulations!  from what you have written so far, it sounds like it is what you really want as well!

Best of luck!  And I promise I will not ask you any tax (blecch) questions.