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And has been for 5 weeks!
Published on May 31, 2006 By Jythier In Baseball
So, softball season is once again upon us. I play in a christian softball league. There are 16 teams this year, and 15 different churches. The church I attend has two teams in the league, because it's quite a large church and has a lot of good softball players.

So far we have played 5 games. Games are played every Monday night. Currently we are 2-3. The two teams we beat were the team that won the season opening tournament, and the team that won the championship last year. The teams we lost to are the other team for our church, and a couple other teams we probably should've beaten.

As for my own performance, I am doing very well from the batter's box. I haven't been tracking my stats very well, such as RBIs and such, but I have hit 3 for 3 every game for the last 3 games. I think a 9 at bat hitting streak is pretty good, and I probably have one or two to tack on at the beginning from a game I can't recall. Luckily, the team keeps a score book, so I can always go back and look up how I did.

Hopefully, the team will notice how well I'm doing and I'll get sent to the All-Star game. That's always a fun time.

More will be forthcoming as the season continues.

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