Hey everyone.
Just started playing this and I love how streamlined everything is. Units form into armies and they just work. However, the streamlining also removes certain things that have been in RTS since Warcraft 2.
If I have an army with artillery I want to stay out of range with all my units from the defenses while bombarding them. It would be nice to have an 'attack ground' or 'bombard' command that causes artillery to attack without moving everything in, particularly I've seen Zeus units moving in and attacking turrets and getting themselves blown up.
Another thing is that the engineers are micromanagement heavy. I'm picturing a system where I can tell an engineer with one click to build extractors for a whole region. I mean, we can group up armies, but the engineers aren't smart enough to find all the metals and build extractors on them? 
And, I have to choose which extractor I want to build.
The way the building option goes away as soon as I let go of shift is unintuitive from every other game I've played, where holding shift and clicking will cause a new building to be built but letting go doesn't cancel the construction. When you build the last one you want, you just don't hit shift and then the construction option goes away. I feel like that works a little better on the click front, as often I'm having to click on a building again to build a second extractor or whatever.
Anyway, these are just thoughts and ideas, certainly not bugs. So do with them what you will. Dustbin if needed. I'm not a dev so I don't know. And it sounds like the player base is more interested in other things anyway. Other players are still going to be faster than me, I'm only playing against Easy and Intermediate AI. 
Regardless of my little ideas, the game is wonderful and the concept of armies is mind-blowingly simple and effective in allowing me to manage from a much higher level.