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It Doesn't Mean What They Want It To
Published on September 21, 2012 By Jythier In Religion

The government’s got it wrong.

For a while now, there has been a push to redefine what freedom of religion means.  Freedom of religion comes from the following:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Here’s what people seem to think it says:

Congress shall not let anybody holding public office exercise their religion.  Anybody who works for the government cannot exercise their religion during work hours.  All exercise of religion outside of strictly religious organizations is prohibited.   Government money cannot go to any religious organization, even if it provides a service better or cheaper than the government could provide.

What I’m saying is that the violation of the Constitution wasn’t when we had the Ten Commandments at the court house.  It was when we removed them.

Now we have the issue of the prayer before starting a public meeting.  Everybody on the committee agrees with it, but people who aren’t involved are up in arms about it because it brings religion into government. You know what?  Those are people in the government.  And the law doesn’t say they need to stop praying.  The law says that you, concerned citizen, cannot stop them from praying.  That’s unconstitutional for you to do.

There’s a bunch of backwards rules that are coming out of the justice system because they can’t even read a document that spells it out clearly.  The very law of our nation that is supposed to keep the government from being able to stop us from praying, celebrating, and exercising our religion has been misinterpreted to mean that they MUST stop us.

I would urge any Christian specifically, because most of this seems to apply only to us, to fight back in two ways.  One, don’t let them trample on your rights.  Two, don’t trample on the rights of other religious groups.  If a Muslim wants to pray, too, that’s HIS right and you shouldn’t stop him, either.   Show the world that it is religious persecution against the Christians instead of just a societal struggle to eliminate all religion from public life.  If it’s not, we’re going to end up in the same place as the other religions.  But what it feels like, is that we’re going to end up with a country that doesn’t allow Christianity, but allows every other religion.  I hope I’m wrong.

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on Oct 16, 2012

Reply #26 lulapilgrim
I don’t know why you keep throwing this Obama care nonsense in my face, I cannot stand him or the policy? Or is this the only way to make your feeble points?

Oh my heart bleeds at the inhumanity. I hope you, by that I mean your bosses, decide for option two for expedience. I’m sure tht YOUR soup kitchens will suffer as well as most of YOUR charities, but the opulent Church owned castles and mansions (tax free) won’t be lacking anything for quite some time. Good luck with forcing society to conform to your standards of lunacy, it isn’t going to happen. So YOU whine and cry about having to deal with the same thing everyone else here does. Oh that’s right YOU have religious rights that guarantee YOU preferential treatment, right. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness about does it for me. The only stipulation is to conform to societal dictates. Now if YOU are so ill informed as to become a cult member, then YOU are responsible for following it’s dictates (within the law) … as I am under no obligation to even consider them at all … and I don’t. YOUR religious problems real or perceived are between YOU and YOUR masters who unerringly know the path to YOUR god. The RCC has no stomach to do anything to interrupt their cash flow so be prepared to capitulate to the state that protects you.

on Oct 16, 2012

Pluralism is alive and well in the USA.
Today, religious diversity is a given, but pluralism is not a given; it is an achievement. Mere diversity without real encounter and relationship will yield increasing tensions in our societies … just look out a window. Unfortunately, Christians have no desire to embrace any other religion or any of their practices being solely interested in forcing their religious beliefs on everyone else without question. As to the non-religious, well they would be treated like the queers are treated today (religiously speaking of course). Just look at your own rhetoric ... you do not have a mollifying bone in your body and we both know it. The best solution would be to tax the money sucking institutions which would remove much of the incentive to become rich executive ‘MEN of god’.

You just don’t get it and I suppose you never will. I am free to say yes or no to any question put to me. What comes next depends on the circumstances. I can and do reject your god because you cannot even prove it exists.  Your adherence to a midlevel world view is appalling and your disrespect and loathing for the best minds on the planet makes me sick. You would control the country without the first shred of proof or the even the truth to back you up. That is BLIND, blind faith.

Listening to the debate now and your man just guaranteed all women contraceptives for the asking, just thought you might be interested, hahaha, sorry.

on Oct 17, 2012

They aren't the best minds on the planet if they can't even figure out that God exists.  They make the assumption that there is no God.  They make the assumption that the researcher before them didn't make faulty assumptions.  They assume the Bible isn't the Word of God. 

Other researchers assume the Bible is the Word of God, that there is a God, that the researchers before them may have made faulty assumptions, and they come to vastly different conclusions using the same evidence.  The thing changing the conclusions is the assumptions, not the evidence. 

And I should believe these are the best minds?

on Oct 17, 2012

"Freedom of religion"... What happened to "Freedom of NO religion?"

Religions want everybody to tolerate them, but isn't tolerance supposed to go two ways? For example; The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam & Christianity) are by default not tolerant religions. They are designed that way. Why should people tolerate what does not tolerate them?

I think there should be a quid pro quo here. If for example Christianity is willing to re-write the bible and exclude everything in it that discriminate groups of people that are non-Christian, then they have truly taken a step towards being tolerated. But until then, Christianity is just hostile by default(unless you're a Christian, of course)...

on Oct 17, 2012

They assume the Bible isn't the Word of God.
Is it ... then prove it. Your god didn't write it, your god didn't dictate it and your god didn't repeatedly edit it trying to make it a little more palatable. All you have is hearsay ... he said she said they said. Try taking this silly opinion to a court of law. Personally I don't know the people enough to make such fraudulent stipulations. Any of those researchers that ASSUME the bible is the word of god are just incompetents like yourself (assuming that you are even correct). Got any names or is this just generic slamming which is all you got, so sad. Truth is you don’t even know who wrote your bible … the word of god my arse.

on Oct 17, 2012

"Freedom of religion"... What happened to "Freedom of NO religion?"

Religions want everybody to tolerate them, but isn't tolerance supposed to go two ways? For example; The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam & Christianity) are by default not tolerant religions. They are designed that way. Why should people tolerate what does not tolerate them?

I think there should be a quid pro quo here. If for example Christianity is willing to re-write the bible and exclude everything in it that discriminate groups of people that are non-Christian, then they have truly taken a step towards being tolerated. But until then, Christianity is just hostile by default(unless you're a Christian, of course)...


Hostile to whom, exactly?

This is what Christianity says:

"If you want to, you can be in eternity with God forever.  If you don't want to, you don't have to."

Is that really that hostile?

The problem is, there won't be God in Hell with you, therefore bad, horrible things are all that's left for you there.  Why didn't you want to be with God, then?  You knew the way.

So, you're invited, man.  Come on in.  Want to know how to become a Christian?  I'll gladly tell you, and then you can be with God forever too.

If you don't want to believe, you're free to do so.  Nobody is going to stop you.  Christians should not be hating you for it.  Christians should not be hating people for any reason.  Sometimes we fail at not hating, though.  More often, though, we fail to love.

on Oct 17, 2012

What I feel the need to express to you, though, is that you are perfectly free to go about your business not believing in this country, same as I am free to go about my business believing.  If I pray, you don't have to join in.  If I read the Bible, you don't have to listen or learn from it.  However, I don't see where that gives you the right to stop me from praying, or stop me from reading the Bible, whether it's a public meeting or not.  If I'm at a public meeting, you better hope I asked for God's wisdom, or mistakes are going to be made.

Anyway, there is no lack of being free to not believe in this country.  It wasn't always like that, I know, but now it is.  So what are you complaining about?  Are you complaining about Christians being able to practice their religion, or about not being able to not practice anything? 

There is a caveat, of course, in that you cannot harm others in your (non)worship.  So if my religion told me to sacrifice you to my God, which it doesn't, but if it did, that's not okay.

As for not being tolerant, sin cannot be tolerated, but people are not sin.

on Oct 17, 2012

Quoting Jythier, reply 33They assume the Bible isn't the Word of God. Is it ... then prove it. Your god didn't write it, your god didn't dictate it and your god didn't repeatedly edit it trying to make it a little more palatable. All you have is hearsay ... he said she said they said. Try taking this silly opinion to a court of law. Personally I don't know the people enough to make such fraudulent stipulations. Any of those researchers that ASSUME the bible is the word of god are just idiots like yourself (assuming that you are even correct). Got any names or is this just generic slamming which is all you got, so sad. Truth is you don’t even know who wrote your bible … the word of god my arse.


I know who wrote the Bible... there are a couple of books that are toss-ups, like Hebrews, but for the most part, it's very clear who wrote them.  Moreover, when they were being brought into canon, Christians of the day were very careful not to take for scripture books that were not able to be traced back to either an apostle, or a close associate of an apostle.  Some writing, even good writings, were rejected simply because they could not trace the heritage of it.  Do you really think that these people, who were dying left and right as martyrs because of their faith, would allow things to just be 'altered' or 'changed' to be more palatable?  If you stuck by Jesus in the days of the Roman's persecution of the church, you would be fed to lions!  So they stuck to him because he was palatable? 

The people of that day knew how important it was to have the scriptures, so they would painstakingly copy the letters that would become books, to send them to different churches so that they could be taught too.

Recently, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.  In finding these, we found the oldest manuscripts of the old testament Bible ever.  In translating them, they found that there were no material differences between that and the version that we have today.  Changed to be more palatable, my butt.

on Oct 17, 2012

Do you really think that these people, who were dying left and right as martyrs because of their faith, would allow things to just be 'altered' or 'changed' to be more palatable
Yes I do. WHat does dying left and right have to do with it???

I know who wrote the Bible
Well that is about as informative as you usually are, just take your word for it right, wrong. Who wrote Matthew Mark Luke and John then because it sure wasn't Matthew Mark Luke and John? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: all four Gospels were anonymously written. The traditional names of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John did not become associated with these writings until the second century. Whether or not these men were the actual authors is very controversial.

Oh I am sure they had plenty of time and opportunities to spell check their documents … when they weren’t dying left and right, geese. What do the Dead Sea scrolls have to do with the NT? Or is this an invitation to revisit the OT? And how could you possibly know how old they are because the sciences are so screwed up, or did you forget. Seems that science is just fine when you want to use them, but somehow they just don’t work when I want to use them, just typical Christian hypocrisy. How much of the OT do you incorporate in your life (rape, infanticide, murder, genocide, sexism, homophobic torture, death, persecution of ALL other religion, etc.). How many people have you put to death for violating the Sabbath? You are nothing but a cherry picker like all Christians who take it upon themselves to prioritize gods supposed word leaving most of the ridiculously inhuman aspects out. If the bible is the perfect word of your god as you stated, then why don’t you follow them verbatim … all of them?


on Oct 17, 2012


Hostile to whom, exactly?

This is what Christianity says:

"If you want to, you can be in eternity with God forever.  If you don't want to, you don't have to."

Is that really that hostile?

The problem is, there won't be God in Hell with you, therefore bad, horrible things are all that's left for you there.  Why didn't you want to be with God, then?  You knew the way.

So, you're invited, man.  Come on in.  Want to know how to become a Christian?  I'll gladly tell you, and then you can be with God forever too.

If you don't want to believe, you're free to do so.  Nobody is going to stop you.  Christians should not be hating you for it.  Christians should not be hating people for any reason.  Sometimes we fail at not hating, though.  More often, though, we fail to love.

Hostile to anything not Christian. But there are some themes that Christians are told to be more hostile with then others, like homosexuality, abortion, other religions, atheism, etc... If you had true tolerance, you would realize that your version of freedom is not the same as everybody's version of freedom. Tolerance is about respecting that your freedom end, where mine begin. This means that if you're tolerant, you don't go impose your religion everywhere you go, which you're told to do by the bible. If your scripture does not preach tolerance, then there is no way that you can allow yourself to be tolerant without going against the will of your god or messiah.

I had to laugh when I saw your example, because there is no passage in the bible that has that passage. I might have overlooked it, but if it is not, then it is made up, and thus not Christian. Many Christians are "pick and choose"-Christians. They select what make them look like "good people" and what can justify bad behavior and the rest is just ignored. The rest of the sentence you present yourself - the little thing about being cast to hell, if you're not a believer. So we are still not talking tolerance, when fear is used as a means to manipulate the minds of people. That is actually how Christianity grew large - by force and fear. Not by common sense, evidence and peacefulness. "If you don't believe, you will be cast to hell" That does not sound like non-hostile words to me. You might as well put a gun to my head and say "Believe or I'll shoot your brains out"... I was in Thailand when the Tsunami hit. During the aftermath, I saw Christians offering help, but only to those whom first let themselves convert to Christianity. Come on! How are going to justify that? What happens there, is taking advantage of people when they need help the most, and that is as dirty as anything can get. That is not a help. That is called "hostile takeover".


But I'll tell you this... If it turns out that there is a God, I'd gladly become a devout Christian, just to get close enough to god to stab the malicious, narcissistic and psychotic bastard to death. There are so many flaws in Christianity at all levels, that it can not possibly be created by a perfect God. Among religions - Christianity is the Nigerian hoax...

All written with a kind condescending smile... 

on Oct 17, 2012

What I feel the need to express to you, though, is that you are perfectly free to go about your business not believing in this country, same as I am free to go about my business believing.  If I pray, you don't have to join in.  If I read the Bible, you don't have to listen or learn from it.  However, I don't see where that gives you the right to stop me from praying, or stop me from reading the Bible, whether it's a public meeting or not.  If I'm at a public meeting, you better hope I asked for God's wisdom, or mistakes are going to be made.

Anyway, there is no lack of being free to not believe in this country.  It wasn't always like that, I know, but now it is.  So what are you complaining about?  Are you complaining about Christians being able to practice their religion, or about not being able to not practice anything? 

There is a caveat, of course, in that you cannot harm others in your (non)worship.  So if my religion told me to sacrifice you to my God, which it doesn't, but if it did, that's not okay.

As for not being tolerant, sin cannot be tolerated, but people are not sin.

No I am not perfectly free to go about my business, because I will be cast to hell if I do so. That is not freedom. You're allowed to live in your delusional fantasy, but not to impose it on others. That is the main theme here. Don't impose your delusions on other people, and most of all - leave the kids alone. Don't rape kids minds with delusional thinking. At least wait until people are like 21 to try to rape their minds. Leave people alone! 

Read your bible as much as you want. Eat it, burn it, whatever - just leave other people out of it. Your business is your business and what other people do, is then not your business. But leaving people alone is no an option for you, since the bible tell you to go and spread your virus as far as possible. So how do we do this? REwrite the bible? or we simply just build anti-Christian barricades to keep you from infesting everything.

As a Christian, your God tells you to stone homosexuals on sight. There is no way around that. It's in the bible, and your god has decided it to be so. If you don't, you go against your god. Going against your god, is exactly what Lucifer did before he was cast out(which is a weird flaw from an otherwise "perfect" god). If you pick and choose, then you're just the same as Lucifer, and what you're REALLY worshiping is then the rebellion of Lucifer, rather than the malicious psychotic nature of the Christian god. Easy as that.

By the way - the word "sin", is a violation against rules that your god has established. If there are rules, there can not be freedom... 

on Oct 18, 2012

Reply #40 ExpressoKid
Nice to have you here on JU. Hope you have fun. Well said by the way.

on Oct 18, 2012

God doesn't tell me to stone homosexuals on sight.  That was part of a legal system that was given specifically to the Jewish nation, God's people, people who were supposed to be set apart and holy as a nation.  I am not of that nation, so I don't have to follow the laws to that nation.


Jesus came and gave many examples of grace (to you, common sense) where he, for example, didn't stone the woman caught in adultery, but let her go. 


If you don't trust Jesus to take away your sins, a just God is going to punish you for them.  If you do, a merciful God already punished Jesus for it, by His choice.  So really, you know the way to heaven, but you choose not to take it - why are you blaming God?  He offers you eternity with him, but under his rules, or you can go your own way and have no rules in eternity.  It wouldn't be just for him to let you get away with your sin, but the only thing stopping you from not going to hell is YOU, not God.  It's not even 'do this' or 'do that' to get in, it is just 'believe Jesus was God, came to earth, died on a cross to take the punishment for YOUR sin, because you are a sinner, and then rose from the dead on the third day.'  Look, it's obvious to anyone that it had to have happened - GFT will say I'm stupid for thinking so, but it's true when you look at the context that the disciples were CRUSHED when Jesus died, and would not have recovered had he not risen.  The sect would have died THEN, and there would be no New Testament today, unless Jesus had risen.  It existing doesn't make sense if the eye witnesses didn't verify the story in those days.


ExpressoKid, you are free.  Free to do what you want religiously.  It's a guaranteed right from the Constitution.  God also gives you the free will to choose him, or choose something else.  Yet you say, "I'm not free because of hell!"  No, you're still free.  There are just consequences for exercising that freedom, just like there are consequences for all things.

on Oct 18, 2012

Also, I paraphrased the idea behind many scriptures.  If I quoted actual scripture I would give you the reference.  But that doesn't mean it's not Christian.  If we went with that, we'd have to say that the rapture isn't Christian, the trinity isn't Christian, because the words are not mentioned in scripture... no, they are, but they are words that describe things that the Bible talks about over many passages.

on Oct 18, 2012

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

Romans 5:8

"when we were in our sin Christ Jesus came to die for us."

Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

2 Corinthians 5:21

"He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we may be made the righteousness of God through Him."

Romans 10:9-10
"that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."

Romans 10:13
"for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."

You can do whatever, but if you don't do Romans 10:9-10, you can't get into heaven.  Confess, believe.  Easy.  Open to all.

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