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I don't know if people know...
Published on September 12, 2007 By Jythier In Life Journals
Hey, it's my birthday today, so I thought I'd start a thread for people to say "Happy Birthday" to me on, so I don't hijack TW's thread.

Feel free to not say so either, because this is a lot more boring than the normal Happy Birthday threads, and it was started by the birthdayee. Well, thanks for stopping by!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 12, 2007
~You say it's your birthday!!! Well it's my birthday too yeah~ Okay not really but happy birthday anyway.
on Sep 12, 2007
Thanks Loca!
on Sep 13, 2007
Update: Got my present. My wife did an outstanding job picking it out. I didn't mention it, ask for it, or anything like that. She just knows me. Maybe someday I'll know her too, but knowing her, I think she just wants me to take the boys or soemthing. But then she wants a gift too, bah!

Anyway, she got me tickets to a comedy show that's coming to our church. Three performers, so it should be a good night. I'm so psyched to go. Now all we need is a babysitter!
on Sep 14, 2007
Who is the comedy show? I just saw Bean And Bailey. A comedy duo. They were very funny.

I'd offer to babysit for you but....ha! I might let them cry too much!!

on Sep 14, 2007
Late to the party, but Happy Birthday nonetheless.
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