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Congressional Approval Doesn't Matter
Published on August 18, 2006 By Jythier In Politics
So, I read this morning on AOL news that a judge has finally decided that the spying on people without warrants by the president and his men is unconstitutional.


The article went on to mention that due to this ruling, the President might have to seek congressional approval. ... I don't really get it. Did anyone bother to read the constitution? What can Congress do? Anything they do to approve it will just be unconstitutional in itself!

Anyway, as soon as the USA PATRIOT Act was passed, and I knew about it, I feared this result. It's not that I want my rights trampled on - far from it. But, terrorists that have been caught by unconstitutional means get a pass. They go free. Not yet, but when it's all said and done, that's what's going to happen. You can't pass an unconstitutional law and prosecute people with it. They will get away in the end, not be caught. There are only a couple explanations to this. One is that GWB was just hoping that nobody would notice. It got through Congress because of that, I think. The second is that GWB wants terrorists to go free. I don't know why he would want that, but if you look into his history, it could be possible. The Bin Laden family got out without being questioned.

Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe he just didn't bother to pay attention in government class. But... some of those terrorists could've been caught without the unconstitutional help. And they would've stayed locked away. Now, who knows?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 20, 2006
All the speculation by the armchair justices on Joe User does not mean a thing. As I have said from day one of this issue, it NEEDS to go to the Supreme Court and be settled PER OUR SYSTEM. Yes, Congress and the laws they pass are subject to review by the Federal courts just like the actions of Bush!
on Aug 20, 2006
The supreme court will overrule this decision. Wiretaps for the use of gaining intelligence are not unconstitutional.
on Aug 20, 2006
The supreme court will overrule this decision. Wiretaps for the use of gaining intelligence are not unconstitutional.

I tend to agree, but then they did not strike down the Money part of McCain fiengold, so I will not say it will happen.
on Aug 21, 2006
yes you can! I did not see that one, but some of mine that I thought were good never got there. Hey! Brad is human. He likes what he likes and such. And we play on his dime, so I do not fault him.

Sometimes, I think Brad simply doesn't SEE some of the feature worthy articles. He can't be in all places at once, after all.
on Aug 21, 2006
Sometimes, I think Brad simply doesn't SEE some of the feature worthy articles. He can't be in all places at once, after all.

Best not let Capt'n Starkers here you say that.
on Aug 24, 2006
I was under the impression that the president could do most anything he needs/wants to when a circumstance may affect national security?
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